It is for the happiness of those united in society to harmonize as - TopicsExpress


It is for the happiness of those united in society to harmonize as much as possible in matters which they must of necessity transact together. Civil government being the sole object of forming societies, its administration must be conducted by common consent. - Thomas Jefferson My question here is, how do we get to common consent if our political class is dedicated toward multiculturalizing us, effectively spitting us all up into tribes that must necessarily be played against one another in every election...for what? Over the spoils of government largess? Yes indeed, thats the game. How do we keep this republic if the status-quo remains unprecedented levels of unceasing mass immigration, both legal and illegal? Especially when the assimilation model that kept us one nation is deemed racist and politically incorrect by the cultural Marxists that lead both of our political parties? And how do we keep the republic if there is no boundary - of the intellectual, the faith or the physical sort - that serves as a place where fertile ground for common consent can be realized? It should be understood that the left-side cultural Marxist desire large, minority voting blocs so that they can keep political power while the right-side cultural Marxists pander mostly to satiate the cheap-labor, big-business beast. What isnt understood, but should be, is that both sides are kowtowing to elitist little enclaves that have cropped up in some major cities since the 1970s where the average IQs and incomes are almost as high, as inflated, as the progressive demands that come with their political contributions. The influence of the top-five-percent income-earners is far beyond what it should be, and since these sorts never have to worry about actually EXISTING in this destroyed-by-compassion and emasculated-by-tolerance America they are shoving down our throats, they can feel better for being the compassionate and tolerant ones. They will continue to live in their own insular little pockets, echo chambers of sorts, where they can feel good about the contributions they share with us, the rabble in the complete belief that they are making a world they increasingly do not know so, oh so much better! And we must pick our candidates from among these sorts of intelligent, wealthy ignoramuses? Well, that just sucks! Isnt it reasonable to ask and point out these things? Isnt it reasonable to have concern that, for instance, allowing illegal aliens to benefit from in-state tuition is just another - and markedly significant - incremental step down a slippery slope that leads AWAY from a reasonable level of common consent? If we are to have common consent shouldnt there be efforts, as there were in the 1920s that benefited us greatly until the 1960s, to affect a common culture that has deeper roots among its participants than the nonsensical, ephemeral pop culture that so many have let supplant tradition and real culture? I suspect that I am spitting into a foul wind. Does that mean I should stop? No. It does not.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 19:09:40 +0000

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