It is important that each of us, as taxi industry participants; - TopicsExpress


It is important that each of us, as taxi industry participants; drivers, operators and owners put in writing our objection to personal information being publically available through a register. Though the TSC disagrees, we believe it is an infringement of our right to privacy. This register will achieve very little, expect an increased abuse of industry participants. Currently we have seen many assaults on taxi drivers; most of which go unnoticed by many. Instead of increasing safety, the TSC has chosen to make driving or being a part of the industry more risky. Is this how they think they will improve driver quality and standards? I am not sure what the TSC thinks this will achieve except adding further tensions to an industry already frought with a sense of anxiety. Is this really necessary? We all need to put forward our objections in writing, over the phone or via email ASAP: (1) Public Register Application to restrict access to information Taxi Services Commission GPO Box 1716 Melbourne VIC 3001 (2) Phone: 1800 638 802 (3) Email: [email protected] In the likely event that the ojection will be rejected, each of us needs to appeal through VCAT
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 07:26:41 +0000

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