It is important to understand our differences because if we dont - TopicsExpress


It is important to understand our differences because if we dont we throw culture away when it is our immune system. So how does the African worldview differ from the Western European worldview? So many ways. Tenets of the African worldview: 1. Life is cyclical. 2. Incarnate spirits are visible while discarnate spirits are not. However all spirits can communicate and the society that chooses to consider all spirits will be strengthened by those spirits. 3. There are 2 temporary places:the womb and the body. The spirit is permanent. 4. People must live in harmony with the rest of nature or perish. 5. The survival of the group holds the utmost importance. 6. Spirit runs through everything; everything has a spiritual significance. 7. We are reborn ancestors. We feed the ancestors and other spirits and they feed us in return. Tenets of the western European worldview: 1. The highest value of life lies in the object, or in the acquisition of the object. 2. Science is the only valid means of knowing anything. One knows through counting and measuring. 3. Man should control and dominate nature and there is a dichotomy, or separateness, between nature and man. 4. The survival of the fittest holds the utmost importance. Change occurs to meet the immediate objectives, and is at the whim of the powerful. 5. A distant, impersonal god holds the most significance. There is only one supreme deity to worship. 6. Competition, independence, separateness, and individual rights are the key values to which all should strive to achieve. 7. A society betters itself via technological progress and logic. Spirit and intuition are relegated to inferior tiers or summarily dismissed. 8. The Eurocentric worldview is a linear one, in which all events are separate.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 21:05:47 +0000

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