It is important to understand that there are two types of stun, - TopicsExpress


It is important to understand that there are two types of stun, reversible and irreversible! Reversible stun is a short, low power, electric shock that causes the animal being slaughtered to loose consciousness for about five seconds. After five seconds it regains consciousness and suffers as any non stunned animal for up to twenty minutes in the case of cattle! Irreversible stun, usually a bolt shot into the brain, renders the animal immediately and permanently brain dead and incapable of feeling pain! Only irreversible stun is morally acceptable as it causes least distress to the animal. Only reversible stun is used in the majority of British slaughter houses that, incidentally, are halal approved and operated by Muslims! Whilst most religions manage to develop and come to terms with current times, under Pope Francis even the Catholics are entering the twentieth century! Islam and Judaism notably have not developed one dot since they were started! Both Islam and Judaism are brutal and primitive religions not only in their approach to animals but in their approach to humans. Both religions treat their women as some kind of sub species, both religions adopt the fire and brimstone ideology of the old testament, both are ruthless in war, incapable of showing any compassion. The Muslims in particular have a barbaric legal system, sharia law, involving beheadings, amputations, stoning to death whether committed by ISIS or by legitimate governments like the corrupt Saudi Arabians! There is no place in the civilised world for the barbaric outcomes of these primitive mindsets! If we are to call ourselves civilised we must stop the ritual abuse of animals in the country, no slaughter of animals without an irreversible stun. Those who dont like it can leave! Incidentally the one place you can guarantee that you wont eat halal meat is in Westminster because Peers and Members dont like it! Tough on the peasants who have to put up with it!
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 22:51:09 +0000

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