It is interesting how we usually say, First things First!, but - TopicsExpress


It is interesting how we usually say, First things First!, but dont actually recognise what is First! People have various things they consider as First in their lives. Their family, jobs, investments, property, health...etc. Beloved all these are NOT what the bible calls first! JESUS CHRIST IS THE FIRST AND THE LAST! All else follows. We have misplaced Him in priority and thus experiencing stress. Jesus praised the church of Ephesus but had one rebuke for them, But I have this against you, that you have left your First Love(Himself)-(Revelation 2:4). Just look around today and youll see history repeating itself. How we only remember God when were in need or trouble, but forget Him when all is well. We claim we have no time for personal bible studies, yet we complete countless seasons of movie series within days. We pounce to answer phone calls, but are reluctant to Gods call, We get to work or job interviews before time, but are very late to church! And we still say 1st things 1st???. Cmon, who u deceiving? This is a wake up call, not condemnation! Time is running out, Wake up, for now is our salvation nearer than when we first believed-(Romans 13:11). Grace abounds, dont make it vain! Make Jesus numero uno and see all things fall in place! Now thats First things First
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 14:09:28 +0000

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