It is ironic that many people indict the 16th-17th century church - TopicsExpress


It is ironic that many people indict the 16th-17th century church for teaching not only that the earth is flat but that it is the center of the universe. Nowhere in the bible is it taught either that the earth is flat or that it is at the center of the universe. The idea of a flat earth was discarded by most people, including the church, by the time of Christ. The geocentric, or earth-centered view, because of the apparent movement of the sun, moon, and stars around the earth, was accepted by everyone, including scientists, and not disproved until much later; and then because of the teachings of Kepler, Copernicus, and Galileo. There is another myth that the church was the biggest persecutor of scientists such as those mentioned above. While the Church was certainly involved in this persecution and even put to death some individuals who went against the accepted teachings of the day, the scientific majority was also at fault for trying to maintain the status quo, rather than being open to a newer, more logical interpretation of data being brought to light. I see us in a similar plight today as more and more anomolies are discovered which dont fit the accepted paradigm of evolution. Non-scientists and scientists alike who dare to question the current status quo are denounced as ignorant flat-earthers or scientific heretics. Mary Higby Schweitzer is in this position because she has found soft, non-fossilized tissue in T. rex bones and dared to publicize it. Despite claims on-line, nothing in the Bible has been disproved by science. Not only do Christians not have to fear true objective scientific research and discovery, we support and applaud it, for truth will win out.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 21:06:14 +0000

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