It is just my opinion, but here is where we should put our time, - TopicsExpress


It is just my opinion, but here is where we should put our time, energy and money. The Keystone Pipeline: I believe in returning parts of America to its natural splendor - that we could preserve a natural utopia, an Eden in the west for all the world to see once again, is possible. Most would agree, Americans are the most diversified creative people with vision on the planet. The Keystone pipeline for instance has little downside to the environment as opposed to trucking oil across the country--and with a little imagination, initiating that project would put America back to work rebuilding our infrastructure. Oil, Coal and natural gas are abundant in North America and we should strive toward green energy growth as well, yet producing and rebuilding what is abundant in our own country. By reshaping the EPA and our own energy resources, my idea for the Keystone Pipeline, if only our leaders were creative enough to listen, then I think they would all consider preserving a wide corridor of land down the belly of our country, and that this corridor could become "Wild America" once again! We could preserve that land from Canada to Texas for all American generations to come and for all the world to come to America and see. The pipeline could be built right down the center of this wild America! We could build or install an elevated electromagnetic monorail system for tourist to travel across these wilderness areas for camping and hunting without impacting the land. There could be a series of parks and ponds and lakes that run the complete length of the country from Canada to Texas. Think of it, roaming freely - that whole area of our country used to have huge herds of Bison, Wild Horses, Elk, Wolves and Bears, it also was once the Flyway for wild Canada geese, white Pelicans and ducks and other migratory birds... America could be that way again. Just this one project would put tens of thousands of Americans to work and prosperity would return to our land. Have you notice there is less crime when the American economy is booming. That is, if our Leaders had any vision at all and were creative enough in their thinking for a better America? Our free nation was built on “Faith, Hope and Courage.“ That’s the change I’m hoping for, what is your vision? George E. Buttner, a Patriot!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 14:27:56 +0000

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