It is my best friends anniversary today and they are celebrating - TopicsExpress


It is my best friends anniversary today and they are celebrating 14 very much earned years of marriage together. You see, my friend and I have been best buds since our freshman year together and we have been through the thicket and came out of it heavily scarred with memories that will last a life-time. He basically got me my first job as a food runner at the Port O Call restaurant at the age of 15 and he invited me into his life where I was able to feel like I was apart of a family. My parents were divorced my Mom lived what seemed like a million miles away and my Dad was angry at the world and worked grave-yards and I was more of a punching bag than a son to him. I grew up poor and I wanted more than anything to live in a real house because it felt like it had been so long since I had. Jerry his father Charles, his mother Tina, his sisters Tanya and baby sis Stacey accepted me into their home and I spent many nights at their house and was able to see what a real family should look like, they would take me to church with them feed me and help me anyway they could. Yes Jerry and I caused them a whole bunch of grief, and they were always there for us. As we got a little older Jerry met his beautiful wife Sarah at church youth group and man he went after her hard. He was relentless following her around like a little puppy dog doing the silliest things to get her attention and impress her and it eventually wore her down and Jerry and Sarah were officially dating. I have to admit I was jelous and I was mad at Jerry for spending all his time.with her and not me, I got over it.... eventually. Before you knew it Jerry and Sarah were getting hitched I was in Colorado at the time and I cried on their wedding day because I couldnt be there for my best bud and his super hot kick-ass fiance, I believe Jerry was 20 and Sarah was 19. I remeber their first apartment together and dude it was scaaaaaary gangsters in every corner bars on every window man it was mess, but Sarah took so much pride in that little apartment and she would clean it constantly and decorate it the best they could. A couple years later they had moved to Long Beach Signal Hill area and had a cute house with awesome rent, Jerry was a glaizer installing glass in sky-rises and lots of other cool places. Then I remember a phone call I recieved from Jerry telling me he got dizzy at work and fainted, he didnt want to go to the hospital but his boss made him and that they found a large tumor in his brain and they were not sure how bad this will be on him, the doctors did say he had youth on his side which was good. I spent the whole night in tears thinking about the possibility of losing my best bud. This is where I was incredibly impressed with Sarah. The chemo treatment were killer and between jerry loosing all his hair and swelling up like the michelin man he was in bad shape, Sarah took control of it all she bathed him she fed him she would clean him up after he got sick all over the place and she also worked I believe full-time she was loving and kind and strong man was she emotionally strong. She was the most amazing woman I have ever known up to then. I was in awe of her and she would constantly do things that would impress the hell out of me. I know now why God brought them together I saw it every time they were together. Jerry slowly but surely became better, little by little until God decided it was time for him to be well. We would see each other off and on and the time between visits would get longer and longer until we wouldnt see each other for years, not until I had a trailer hauling business and ended up stranded in Phoenix. I knew Jerry may have lived around there and I hunted down his number where he dropped everything and my wife my daughter and myself in and let us stay as long as we needed. Sarah is the most gracious host and Jerry did everything in his power to make Cryssa, Kaiya and I comfortable. I was broke and Jerry lent me what little they had to get me gassed up and moving again. We left their place incredibly grateful and I was proud of what Jerry and Sarah had accomplished together. Now ever since Jerry was diagnosed with cancer Sarah and he have been trying for a baby with nothing heart-aching dissapointment after dissaointment but the chemotherapy had taken its toll and it appeared that they may never have a child. So when Jerry called and told me Sarah was pregnant it was very very exciting news, I remember grinning from ear to ear just so happy for him and Sarah. Sarah gave birth to Charlie and before you know it they just had their third baby. It has been 14 years today since they first tied the knot and I have yet to find another couple as madly in love with each ther as they are they have both gone through so much and have battle scars to prove it, but the scars have made them tougher to endure whatever life has to throw at them. I love both you guys more than you will ever know and I am honored to call you both my friends. Happy 14th anniversary you guys! You two have earned every year of it.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 01:08:06 +0000

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