It is my humble plea to all children of this sacred land, PLEASE - TopicsExpress


It is my humble plea to all children of this sacred land, PLEASE STOP BUYING FIJI SUN! Please believe me that this newspaper is hell-bent in enslaving us in our own land! There was a time when indigenous rights was of paramount importance to all media. But, today Fiji Sun openly ridicules our people who just want the protection of our indigenous rights and values. FIJI SUN WILL SELL US TO THE MUSLIMS AND CHINESE AND GUJRATIS!!! Fiji Sun sees it as important to bring cheap, unqualified labour from China and Muslim countries than giving jobs to our own citizens! Fiji Sun sees that it is more important that 500 tonnes of Bauxite has been exported but does not see it as important that no fair royalty has been paid to landowners Fiji Sun sees it important that 135 acres of land, that was sat aside for i-Taukei settlement in Navua, has been given to China railways! Fiji Sun sees a $30million new hospital building as more important than improving the 4 hospitals already in Ba province which only have 35% medicine availability, absolutely no proper facility and equipment, pathetic ambulance service and huge shortage of skilled personnel Fiji Sun sees it more important that Motibhai gets jailed for a $70,000 watch rather than the $5miilion per plane commission that Nur bano and Aiyaz Khaiyum have stolen! Fiji Sun sees it as more important that we need to know how much Mahen Chaudhry got donated by people of Haryana rather than asking this corrupt regime for the Auditor Generals report! Fiji Sun sees it as more important that Fiji needs new currency rather than asking why our dollar was devalued by bloody 20%!!! Fiji Sun sees it as more important that LTA has built billboards with Franks photos (and costing the public millions) rather than asking who approved 300% payrise for ALL MINISTERS Fiji Sun sees it as more important that Jiko Luveni attends an eid festival rather than asking why port charges went up by 300%, duty on major food items went up by 32%, VAT went up to 15%, and inflation stands at 60% overall Fiji Sun sees it as more important that we spend millions on registering voters in Australia, NZ, US, UK etc rather than provide housing for our poor families in squatter! Fiji Sun will never tell us how Meli Bainimarama brutally beat his wife! AND ABOVE ALL, FIJI SUN (OWNED BY SELFISH GUJRATIS) HAS NO RESPECT FOR OUR SAVIOUR LORD JESUS CHRIST!!! MAKING FUN OF OUR BIBLE AND SAYING THAT WE ARE FOOLS WHEN WE SAY THAT OUR LORD GAVE US THIS LAND AND THAT WE ARE THE FIRST SETTLERS OF THIS LAND! ANY DISRESPECT TOWARDS OUR RELIGION MUST BE CONDEMNED. WE WILL NOT LET MUSLIMS AND GUJRATIS RIDICULE OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST!! RECLAIM FIJI FOR OUR CHILDREN, OUR FUTURE, OUR VERY EXISTENCE!!! VOTE SODELPA IN THEIR NOBLE QUEST TO FREE OUR SACRED LAND AMEN
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 21:22:45 +0000

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