It is not generally my style to take to social media to vent, but - TopicsExpress


It is not generally my style to take to social media to vent, but at this early morning hour I find that I am left with no other options and simply cannot refrain from expressing this particular opinion. Thus begins the rant. In an act of pure boredom and having previously exhausted all other viable options of entertainment I have tonight sat down at my computer to watch the movie Endless Love. I had some hope that this movie may be decent, as our generation has yet to be presented with a truly great love story (and no, the notebook does not count. I dont care how you slice it, anytime the two main characters die at the end, that is not a happy ending) but alas, my hopes were dashed with relative immediacy. I now present to you a list of the reasons that this movie may have actually been a worse love story than twilight. 1. It is clearly stated that the age of these individuals is 17. This entire movie consists of nothing more than the acts of rebellious teenagers presented to us the audience as love. 2. As the young lady ends up taking her internship with the Brown Pre-Med department, which is the smartest decision made in this movie by the way, our couple could have spent no longer with each other than 2 weeks. You cannot fall in love in two weeks time. It just doesnt happen. 3. The young lady makes the impeccable decision to sleep with our love stricken young lad on only their second encounter with each other, and as we can infer with some certainty that due to her exclusion from society during the majority of her high school career, she most likely gave him her virginity as well. This poses two problems. The first is that it presents to young ladies in society that promiscuity is okay as long as youve hung out with the guy more than once and are pretty sure you might love him, maybe. The second is that no self respecting man, as the gentleman in the movie is made out to be, would throw himself headlong into a relationship with someone as easy as our young lady happens to be. Sluts are not housewives. 4. Outside of cheating on his wife, which obviously cant be condoned, our young ladies father is in all ways being an EXCELLENT father. Pushing your daughter to pursue her career in medicine, which she seems to legitimately enjoy, can in no way be construed as bad. Yes, he is telling her not to be with the guy, but he is simply doing the rational thing and understanding that in the real world love does not work that way, and she is setting herself up to be hurt. Good job dad. 5. This guy is absolutely not someone who any father would want their daughter to be around. In their first encounter, he not only joy rides in a Maserati, but assaults the man who owns the car who is rightfully angry at the unlawful use of his vehicle. He then proceeds, among other things, to assault her father. This is not the guy you want your daughter in a relationship with. 6. We have to stop for a second and talk about the zoo scene. Their are several things wrong with this scene. The first, who in their right mind thinks sneaking into a zoo to get high is in anyway a good idea? It is something that you can be easily caught doing, and the last place you want to get really paranoid at is in a place that has lions in a cage. Secondly, why after the girl calls the cops on her own group of friends to report them breaking into the zoo do they remain to be friends with her? And lastly, in what likelihood is their actually going to be a zoo that close to what is supposedly a secluded lake in Georgia? Seems very unlikely to me. 7. Are there really girls out there who would still associate with someone who admits to assaulting their father? I refuse to believe that women are that stupid. 8. The young mans father does not do a very good job being a father to his son. Yes, he lost his wife because he did not love her the way he should, but that does not mean you should tell your son to go after the rich girl whos father you just assaulted and that you have known for a maximum total of fourteen days. I know for a fact men are not that stupid. 9. If you break a restraining order you go to jail. If you attempt to take someone away who has a restraining order against you that is kidnapping, and you go to jail. That entire sequence was dumb. 10. Did we really have to burn down the mansion to give the story a place for the father to have a change of heart and allow his daughter to be with the guy? That seemed like overkill. 11. In said house fire, at what point does grab all the trophies make more sense than grab a fire extinguisher and put the fire out? The guy is a doctor, he is smarter than that. 12. Their is no way that that girls family could afford that massive house in suburban Atlanta, with the fleet of luxury cars, and the equally impressive lake house on a doctors salary. They make good money, but they do not make that much money. Thus concludes the rant. To all of you who stuck through to the hand you will receive a free high five for your patience upon our next meeting. I apologize for not referring to any of the characters by name, but my brain simply would not allow me to log such meaningless information. I will now begin the process of deleting the rest of the memories of this atrocious film from my mental library. I bid you all good day.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 11:09:39 +0000

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