It is not the length of life which makes a difference; it is the - TopicsExpress


It is not the length of life which makes a difference; it is the depth of life. The depth of life is living moment to moment. If your life span is 90 years, you have 90 years to live. So live year by year, month by month, day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, second by second, moment by moment, and that will create depth in your 90 years of life.Remember the Aesops fable about the goose that laid golden eggs. A farmer had a goose. The farmer used to collect the eggs laid by the goose, sell it and thus earned his livelihood. One day when the farmer visited the nest, to his surprise he found a golden egg. From that day, the farmer started watching the nest carefully. The goose was laying a golden egg every day. The farmer started collecting and selling the golden eggs and gradually his standard of living rose. One day, he became greedy and felt he should not waste his life by becoming rich slowly. So, he killed the goose to get hold of all the eggs inside the goose. Alas, to his surprise he found it to be empty. Success is not getting rich at once. It is a day to day, moment to moment progress. Like the farmer in Aesops fable, you will only land in difficulties by being impatient.You are sad because you have not learnt to live moment to moment. The mind starts thinking of the future and thus discards the moment. It considers the moment as not valuable, but the future is. So the mind lives in the future and wants the future and in the process feels insecure of the future. This results in sadness. A person once told me that he is scared of his future. He is afraid that he may lose his job. He is worried what will happen to him. He felt insecure when his daughter did not get a seat in a good college of her choice. His son got a seat in a good college, and he felt happy. He is a chattered account and well qualified. He finds his mind oscillating. What shall I do, he lamented.I made him see how the mind spins stories and how one is caught in such a mind. It makes you create an illusion that your sorrow is truly real. I asked this man, why the mind worries about the future. Is it not that it has not learnt to absorb totally this moment, enjoy this moment and such a mind which does not enjoy the moment is a mind which hopes for the future. Hence, such a mind is insecure, for the future has not happened. To a future which has not happened, how can one be secure? You have got a job, and that has not eased your mind, but your mind wants to be secure to a job which you may lose. When you are not rejoicing your job, then such a mind is habituated to be miserable and remain unhappy. Happiness is a threat to it. Thus, such a mind will create and sustain misery.The true wisdom of living is living moment to moment. If you have to plan for the future, plan in the moment. When the mind has learnt to be happy in the moment, then planning for the future will be out of happiness and thus you will learn to create happiness.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 02:55:20 +0000

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