It is not the strongest or fastest species that will survive, but - TopicsExpress


It is not the strongest or fastest species that will survive, but the ones most accepting of change. By eating meat and dairy we are destroying the planet, our health, the animals, the ocean, killing people in 3rd world countries and our world cannot sustain us for much longer. Our actions have a ripple effect. People wonder why Im not happy about their actions when theyre directly effecting my future great grandchildren and generations beyond that. Heighten your intelligence, do some research and change your addictions. We are either a part of the problem or a part of the solution. The meat industry causes more greenhouse gasses than all of the worlds transportation combined. All this, just for greed, sod future generations and people down the line who will be suffering as a result of our greed right? Problem or solution? Tiredness or energy? Obesity or healthy weight? Illness/disease or optimal health? Cruelty or kindness? Wrong or right? Bad or good? Make your choice...
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 16:07:29 +0000

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