It is not too late to change the outcome of the vote today!!! CA - TopicsExpress


It is not too late to change the outcome of the vote today!!! CA Med Association-sponsored bill SB 1000, to put a warning label on sugared drinks. It almost passed!!!! to find and call your legislator if they are on this Asm Health Committee list and ask them to vote YES for sugared drinks warning labels. Email them. Post on their FB page. You can also call any of them whether a constituent or not. See phone numbers in comment at bottom! Shameless NO/Abstain votes today. Ask them to Vote YES!!! 1. Lorena Rodriguez (San Diego), 2. Atkins, Toni (San Diego) 3. Bonilla, Susan (Concord) 4. Bonta, Rob (Alameda) 5. Chávez, Rocky J. (Oceanside) 6. Gomez, Jimmy (LA) 7. Maienschein, Brian (San Diego) 8. Mansoor, Allan R. (Costa Mesa) 9. Nestande, Brian (Palm Desert) 10. Patterson, Jim (Fresno) 11. Ridley-Thomas, Sebastian (LA) 12. Rodriguez, Freddie(Pomona) 13. Wagner, Donald P. (Irvine) Assembly Good Guys Voting YES today for labels on sugared drinks:: 1. Dr Richard Pan, 2. Tom Ammiano 3. Wesley Chesbro, 4. Roger Hernandez, 5. Adrin Nazarian, 6. Bonnie Lowenthal, 7. Bob Wieckowski. This bill is now up for reconsideration Wed.. for legislators to change their votes and pass the bill. Your call can make the difference. .....Especially appalling today is Professor Liz Applegate of UC Davis who testified on behalf of Pepsi and the soda vendors - defending consumption of sodas without warning labels. She has 24,000 students a year- Pity the education she has given her students in the name of science, for the last 25 years. UC Davis promotes junk food. The lineup of Junk food lobbyists was the same as against the GMO labeling bill.....Watch this video of the shameless junk food manufacturers and junk legislators today, led by shameless Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez of San Diego. Heroes of the Senate! where it passed: author-Senator Bill Monning (Monterey), coauthors Ricardo Lara, Mark Leno, DeSaulnier, and Holly Mitchell. ....On todays Senate TV archives at 1:24: 00 . Jessica Denning calchannel/live-webcast/
Posted on: Wed, 18 Jun 2014 06:03:46 +0000

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