It is not very often that I indulge in the personal thought - TopicsExpress


It is not very often that I indulge in the personal thought post... I tend to keep my thoughts to myself. But today, I am moved to express what is weighing heavily on my heart. To those who are being directly affected by the riots in Ferguson, my deepest sympathies extend to you. To those who are being indirectly affected, I ask... no I beg you... please keep a level head about the situation. I dont think anyone has all the facts yet, and to draw conclusions based on a partial pictures is the definition of foolishness. I know that it is difficult to be dispassionate and objective in the face of emotional charge, but an incredible amount of progress has been made in the last few decades on reducing the tension between races. To support, condone, even encourage the rioting... is counterproductive to every calming measure that has been made by the likes of MLK, Nelson Mandella and Ghandi. Their messages were those of peace, not war. In the short term Anger and Hatred are attractive, even seductive, in their appeal. Like fire, they rage out of control, and the heat can release pent up energies in a delightful rush. But in the long-term, these negative energies do far more damage than they do good. Believe me when I say I know this first hand. While perhaps more subtle in their apporach, love, forgiveness and joy are far more powerful. They are the forces that move mountains, heal broken communities, and bind the emotional wounds we inflict upon each other. I believe in a world where these forces are given voice. Please believe in it with me, and choose love over hate in the next few days. Whatever that looks like.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 04:51:30 +0000

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