It is now time for all Texans to join forces and demand that all - TopicsExpress


It is now time for all Texans to join forces and demand that all Politicians in office or running for office denounce forced Medication with Hydrofluorosilicic Acid (Fluoride), a waste byproduct of the Fertilizer and Chemical industries, now coming from China. Make it clear that if they don’t Ban this Toxic waste from our water, we will FIRE their Asses. Those running for office should make it clear where they stand in reference to Forced Medication with Fluoride. Texans should be mad as Hell that our local and state Politicians are allowing a Toxic waste from China to be dumped into our water without our consent. This waste has never been safety tested on humans and has never been FDA approved for oral consumption. In October, I delivered a Freedom of Information Request to the City of Corpus Christi requesting a copy of the Toxicological analysis of the Hydrofluorosilicic Acid coming from China. It became quite obvious that the City knows this chemical is Toxic and doesn’t want the public to know when they declined my Freedom of Information Request and referred it to District Attorney Greg Abbott’s office for clarification. The DA’s office said they should make a decision on my request by January 25th. Since this Toxic waste comes from China, the people of Texas have a right to know the levels of Lead, Arsenic, Cadmium, Aluminum and other toxic chemicals that China has to Hydrofluorosilicic Acid that is added to our water. People, you can act like SHEEP and let Politicians continue to POISON you and your family or you can stand up like true TEXANS and FIRE every Politician in office that believes in Forced Medication. It’s up to you.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 04:36:38 +0000

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