It is official!!! 2 Elders came this morning and we had a chit - TopicsExpress


It is official!!! 2 Elders came this morning and we had a chit chat. Jim Lucas and Ronnie Thompson (married to cousins of the biggest family name in our city - Inselman, they are multi-generational and all have been involved with Bethel in their lives. I believe one is still a current CO) The first question was.....So, we hear you do not want to be a JW anymore? My response was very forthright------No, I do not. From there came the why? I told them why. Pedophilia, money laundering, lies, changed doctrines, membership in UN, all of it. I mentioned the pay-outs of the cases and asked them who was paying for all that? They wanted to forget I asked them but I kept them right there and kept saying Have they not just changed the donation arrangement? Our hall was paid off!! Now - you have a REQUIRED amount you have to send in, dont you? Why??? What is the reason? Have you ever really just thought about it? Of course, they brought up the new light. Oh, and lets talk about some of the new light , I said. Thank goodness so many of you out here have done such a great job of exposing the new light because I just rattled off about it....squashing one new light story after another. One elder was tending to see my points and the other was quietly stamping on his foot. *smile* I said, You guys know the bs that goes on... the misogyny. Why is it ok for an elder to have an affair and not have to have his wife present or even worse, not have to tell and later after a few years or so can mention it and STILL not have any accountability? Come on! You dont see anything wrong with this? If Jesus was seating in on those committees would he be ok with how those are handled? Would you feel ok with Jesus sitting next to YOU? Quickly one said, How do you now that? I must admit, I became a bit snarky here when I said, Oh, I have a copy of your elders manual. Its public information, you didnt know that? Everything is public information, that is why you should do your own research. You think I am talking out the side of my neck? Jim said at one point, Lori, you know what you read and hear on the net is lies. So I politely asked him if he has ever used the net for research or perhaps watched a you tube on how do something. He said yes. So, Jim, if it was ALL lies, how could you be confident that what you were reading or watching was the truth? His next words spit out were, Well, there is good information that is beneficial at times. I gave him that puppy tilted head look with raised eyebrows and said, My point exactly. Of course you siphon thru, but the truth IS available. They pulled the faithful and discreet slave card and so I had them look at the entire chapter and tell me how only one point of those illustrations could be used by those men to justify them being THAT slave. **Stammers and stutters came out** (Im not sure they had even considered this point) After a minute I said - Lets just leave that alone and move on to the next subject. Well, at this point, they were not sure how to handle me and they knew their loving protection was not going to do a thing for me so they asked one more time, So you do not want to be a JW? I answered again, No I do not. Ronnie (whom I love so dearly) said, Lori what wish do you have? I thought this a strange question but replied, I wish you all were still my family and we could share the love we always had and that I will eternally have for you. It took him by surprise but he said, I love you Lori and I replied in same, I love you and yours too Ron. And with that - they got in their truck and left. I am only upset because I had JUST put the books, Crisis of Conscience and Combatting Mind Control on my coffee table and they pulled up when I was in my driveway about to get in my car and leave. I really really wanted them to see the books - that would have been an even more interesting conversation. Since I have zero fear of this cult or the members involved it was quite a wonderful conversation.......but I must admit...........I do miss those congregation members I love so much. But - Im going to do all in my power to expose this cult for what it is and hopefully rattle a few to do a little checking for themselves. Thank you to all you wonderful friends that have been soooo thorough in their research. I cannot tell you how thankful I am for your doing so.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:27:19 +0000

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