It is officially 1am in Burkina Faso, we drive to the city to an - TopicsExpress


It is officially 1am in Burkina Faso, we drive to the city to an internet cafe, because our wifi at home has not been working. My time here has been unbelievably amazing... I didnt honestly think it would be possible to take away anymore from my experiences here, but each day seizes to amaze me. Let me try and give you the cliff notes version.... We have served several orphanages with food to sustain them for a few months and sat at the feet of shoeless children, we fed a village today and will plan to feed another on Monday. Highlights : 1. Jamie and I got to dance the local hip bump-stomping- clapping- kruncking dances with over hundreds of children surrounding us- giggling so hard. 2. Having the opportunity to without words... lead a group of children in a native song (not french, in the bush villages). 3. Taking a bag of rice to a local blind man today, I choose to sit back with him after the team left and he reached for my hand to hold ... and we sat in reverent silence and just received the love that was left unspoken. 4. Being hugged by Samuel for such a long time... 5. Teaching The Arch Boys Home Red- Light Green Light 6. Having all of our checked baggage get lost with no promises in sight, but the clothes in my carry on. 7. Seeing the Needs of all of the people and Prayerfully working to fulfill each one: - Getting Window Screens for Zacturi (older boys orphanage) to prevent further malaria - Feeding a village on Monday and providing 25 families (that care for the village orphans) with food and donkeys. 8. Enjoying the friends and faces from last years visit and growing relationships even further. 9. Being requested to be a 3rd wife for a villager. 10. Having a Medicine man practically sting me with a scorpion and so much, much more... My heart is full and I will have more to share very soon! Pray for the remainder of the trip to be successful and for my husband to have safe/successful/no luggage lost issues tomorrow. Want to HELP- BUY SOME ASS in Africa for the orphanages to haul water and share with the villages and help with the crops: Here come many photos! Ready, set, go.
Posted on: Sun, 15 Jun 2014 01:01:13 +0000

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