It is probable that Archippus was Philemon’s son and possibly a - TopicsExpress


It is probable that Archippus was Philemon’s son and possibly a minister in the Laodicean church. This urgent word was directed to him. It has been described as both a solemn and a sharp message. Why did he need it? Had he become slack and slothful? In Revelation Laodicea is synonomous with lukewarmness. Too often what the ministry is today, the church will be tomorrow. Or had be become side-tracked, taken up with his own interests? Or was he discouraged, disillusioned and depressed, and about to give up? How did he heed the message? Did he resent it, or did he receive it humbly as from the Lord? I like to think it took him to the Lord in prayer. If it did, other familiar words would have echoed in his heart - “Watch your life and doctrine . . . Guard yourselves and all the flock . . . Preach the word . . .endure hardship . . .discharge all the duties of your ministry” (1 Tim. 4:16; Acts 20:28; 2 Tim. 4: 1, 2, 5). The chief purpose of the message was obviously encouragement. It came from one whose overwhelming desire was to complete the task the Lord had given him. (Acts 20:24). It pointed Archippus to the Lord who had commissioned him. Its presence in the Scriptures implies that it was not meant for his ears alone!
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 11:43:26 +0000

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