It is quite interesting to see the reaction of the Mainstream - TopicsExpress


It is quite interesting to see the reaction of the Mainstream Media when the crime is black on white. I have come to the realization that these people - in the Media along with being mindless ideologues, are also cowards. Pressing the issue that there are roving gangs of thugs who attack others simply because of skin color is supposed to only belong to the whites. The ugly truth of today is that it isnt gangs of white thugs going about terrorizing blacks, but in fact the converse is true - buttressed by such race-baiters as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. This harsh reality respecting many of todays black youth (and I use the term youth loosely as these are young men upwards of mid-thirties) seems completely lost on Progressive Liberal ideologues. Since it does not promote their narrative, it is ignored. Many black leaders have for years raised the alarm about black households being raised without fathers. The danger is clear and present, but raising a fatherless household was a cornerstone of Lyndon Johnsons Great Society which among many other detrimental acts, gave fatherless households more in monthly Welfare payments making fathers extraneous. Since the core ideology of Progressive Liberalism holds that certain people are smarter and more capable than others based primarily on race, the idea of placing blacks on an even field with whites - or any other race - is anathema to them; to a Progressive Liberal ideologue, blacks are wholly incapable of taking care of themselves so the white intelligentsia must do it for them. Sound familiar? This vacuum of fatherly guidance has led to chaos within the black community. Without fathers to raise them and guide them, these children are going up without any idea of human empathy, without an understanding of civility, cleaving to one another in a quasi Lord of the Flies existence. Once another, more powerful dis-affected can convince these black gangs to join with them over the perceived mutual cause of subjugation by the Judeo-Christians (Im talking specifically about groups such as ISIS and Al Qaeda), our Republic is finished. Imagine East Los Angles and other like inner-cities populated with domestic, native born terrorists who are told that those who do not adhere to the tenets of Islam deserved to be killed. Without some dramatic change in how we deal with this rapidly growing threat, inner city gangs affiliating themselves with such Middle Eastern terrorist groups is an inevitability.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 14:57:21 +0000

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