It is really a sad news for the Zambian people and the Government - TopicsExpress


It is really a sad news for the Zambian people and the Government of Zambia to have a reputable company in Zambian name and deals in questionable dealings To start with many people have died of cancel related hillneses and yet we still have compny called ZAMBEEF which litelary mean zambian beef which have a corporate objective of feeding the nation This company has found wanting of applying a chemical to the imported beef which is not health to a human consuption,the said chemical is believed to cause cancer to innocent human beings,a disease which is not curable,a disease that has left many youths street kids because many of their parrents have died of cancer. In the first place one and I may wonder why this has happen to this great nation?what really motivated ZAMBEEF to supply a foreign meat that contains the said chemicals which is used to embum the dead human body? Why zambia has been sellcted as the final destination of such questionable products? When did ZAMBEEF announced that now they will be importing meat from outside and still continue using the trading name of zambian beef?Where does ZAMBEEF takes all that animals that are in chisamba which are fed on natural fertile glass?If zambeef has been in trading of imported meat why has it continued to use the name ZAMBEEF and potlay to the world that it is zambian beef?Did zambian small scale fammers run out of cows for them to supply us foods which are rejects in other countries?Why our Government has allowed ZAMBEEF to continue trading when their product are not fit fot human consumption?Where are you zambian people to defend your country?Is this what we call a cristian nation to allow or subject innocent citizens to such injustices?Will ZAMBEEF bring lives that have died of cancer back to life or is any composation worth with a soul? I need answers to this,I need justice,I need to know that Zambia has a capacity to protect ZAMBIANS.Me personally i will take action, this is criminal,it is a crime agaist humanity.What are they up to?
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 08:08:34 +0000

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