It is really sad when someone says that they know God, Love God - TopicsExpress


It is really sad when someone says that they know God, Love God and is walking in the LIGHT can quote the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, but they have a hardened grudgeful heart, mean ungrateful spirit, bites off the hands that feeds them, resents genuine concern and love from others, says it gets on their nerves when someone who has their best interest at heart speaks concern about their actions or self destruction, cant take constructive criticism, lacks empathy, unable to reason, ridicules and talks negatively about the people who mean them well and they say they love, cant see the good in others, views life through tunnel vision, disregards and resents anyone elses point of view, speaks harshly to others with a tone that is offensive. They seriously think they have it all together IN JESUS NAME and believe that their steps and actions are being lead/ordered by God and cant see that it is Satan taking control of their actions, thoughts, words and deeds. Judges others but cant see their own wrongs in any situation or how they contributed to the situation. Says I love you and forgive me with ease but dont realize love is ACTION not mere words and forgiveness from others doesnt mean you have forgiven yourself. God forbid that you use his name in vain claiming to walk in the LIGHT but your actions reap of nothing but Pure DARKNESS. Your tongue speaks ill of others who mean you well and your love isnt of God because your attitude and actions toward those who have shown you love, support and true friendship isnt reciprocated with the same kindness and love. When you truly have the love of God in your heart you love others as God loves us. You plant seeds of love, peace, joy happiness and gratitude into your relationships with others. If you are SOWING anything less maybe you should examine what God you are SERVING?
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 23:38:56 +0000

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