It is recorded in Sunan ad-Darimi, upon the authority of Abu - TopicsExpress


It is recorded in Sunan ad-Darimi, upon the authority of Abu Hurayrah (radiAllahu anhu) that both Abu Bakr (radiAllahu anhu) & Ali (radiAllahu anhu) arrived at the door of Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa wasalaam). Abu Bakr said: “Ya Ali, you go first.” Ali replied: “Please you go before me. I will never go in front of a man of whom the Messenger (sallallahu alayhi wasalaam) said the sun never rises or sets on any better man than Abu Bakr.” Abu Bakr replied: “How can I go before whom the Messenger (sallallahu alayhi wasalaam) said the best woman (Fatimah, radiAllaahu anha) was given to the best man.” Ali then said: “I will never enter before a person whom the Messenger (sallallahu alayhi wasalaam) said on the Day of Judgement a call will come from Almighty Allaah saying “O Abu Bakr! You & the ones that love you enter Jannaah!’” Abu Bakr replied: “I will never go before you because you will come rising on the Day of Judgement and it will be said that ‘he was a good man, a good brother & a good father.’” So Ali then said: “I will never go before you when the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasalaam) said, ‘If the Imaan of Abu Bakr was placed on one side of the scale and the Imaan of the Ummaah on the other, the Imaan of Abu Bakr would outweigh it.’” Abu Bakr replied: “I cannot go before the one who the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasalaam) said on the Day of Judgement ‘Ali will come with his wife Fatimah (radiAllaahu anhâ), their two children riding on a camel and the people will ‘Who is this O Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasalaam)?’ and the reply will be given, ‘This is the one whom Allaah loves.’” Ali then replied that the Messenger (sallallahu alayhi wasalaam) said: “Allaah said, “The one who brought ‘Sidq’ was Rasool’Allaah (sallallahu alayhi wa alihi wasalaam) & the ‘Siddeeq’ is the one that follows.” Jibreel (alayhee salaam) was then instructed to go to Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasalaam) and say, “Allaah sends His salam & all the malaaika are listening to the conversation between Abu Bakr and Ali go out and be the third one to resolve it! Allaah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) sends his special rahmah & has built a fence of Iemaan & Adab between them.” (Meaning they are the people of Adab) The Prophet -sallallahu alayhee wa aalehee wasalaam- then came out & kissed both of them & said: “By the one in whose hand lays my soul – if the sea was ink & the trees pens and the creations of the heavens & the earth were writing they would never be able to write about your virtues nor describe your words.”
Posted on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 11:36:46 +0000

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