It is sad how quickly and easily we get so wrapped up in ourselves - TopicsExpress


It is sad how quickly and easily we get so wrapped up in ourselves and our own lives that we overlook those that need us most. Sadly we have become a society that cannot do anything unless there is something in it for me. Today, Lonnie Roberts and John Hargis spent all day working at mom and dads. They cut grass, limbs, bush hogged, you name it, they did it. I helped pick up some limbs and supervised. lol My mom and dad were overwhelmed that they would come and work so hard. We were all three choked up when we got ready to leave and mom and dad both were in tears. Made me feel real small to realize that I have been neglecting two people that are so dear to me. We see them quite often but not enough. They come here but I havent been there like I should. Dad has some health issues and mom isnt able to get around like she used to either. It hit me in my heart to see tears on my dads cheeks at something so small and simple. I took a long look at my dad and saw an aging gentleman that seemed smaller than I remember, not as strong and imposing of a figure as when he was younger. The tears werent tears of gratitude. They were tears of a prideful man that has had to turn to others to merely cut the grass. My dad has always been larger than life to me, he still is. But for the first time I realized that dad isnt always going to be here. Mom wont be just a phone call away. It was yesterday when my kids were small and working in the garden beside dad and working in the chicken houses beside my mom. Only yesterday that mom was teaching Katelynn Mobley to knit and sitting intently listening to Dalton Mobley talk about his latest adventures. We always say time is flying by so fast. It truly has. It is going by and we cant stop it. We cant slow down the clock. We cant fix the things that we may have broken when we were growing up and raising our own families. We can make what time we have left together, good memories. Meaningful memories. We can take time to love one another. To show one another. Not just a cursory hello, how you doing, love you, good by. Go help your parents. Cut the grass. Pick up limbs. Sit and listen. Share your love. Remember the years growing up and share the memories with each other. Listen to the same old stories another dozen times and show the same amount of interest you had the first time you heard them. I know the time is coming when I will miss hearing the stories about my dad growing up on the farm and my mom growing up in Kalamazoo. And remember, you will be sitting at the window one day. And if you are so blessed, you will have someone that cares outside cutting your grass. We will be back over at mom and dads tomorrow. There are still things to be done. And we wont leave until it is done. I just wish others realized they wont always be here. I pray they wake up before the next gathering is a sad occasion.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 04:58:32 +0000

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