It is sad that many Christians do not know that Jesus, peace be - TopicsExpress


It is sad that many Christians do not know that Jesus, peace be upon him, holds a very high position within Islam.� Unlike Orthodox Judaism, Islam considers Jesus to be the promised Messiah, a word from God, born of the Virgin Mary to bring a new covenant to the people of Israel. Nevertheless, the Quran, the main book in Islam, leaves no room to accept concepts developed by Church theologians after the departure of Jesus, such as the sonship of Jesus (accepted at the Council of Nicaea on May 20, 325) or the idea of adding the Holy Spirit as the third head for God (developed as the concept of the Trinity in the Constantinopolitan Creed of 381). In fact both concepts (the sonship of Jesus and the Trinity) tend to negate many clear verses in the old and New Testament. For example: Hear, 0 Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord. (Deuteronomy 6:4) ...that ye may know and believe Me, and understand that I Am He: before Me there was no God, neither shall there be after Me. 1, even 1, am the Lord; and beside Me there is no savior. (Isaiah 43: 1 0-1 I) And Jesus answered him: The first of all the commandments is hear, 0 Israel: Me Lord our God is one Lord. (Mark 12:29) ... We know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is none other God but one. (I Corinthians 8:4) Given these verses, one should be careful not to take the verse in John 1: I literally because it could easily have been mistranslated from the Aramaic into the Greek and should read and the word was Gods. It should be noted here that in the Greek language theos is God while theou means Gods (see any Greek dictionary or see the book Muhammad in the Bible by Professor Abdul Ahad Dawud, former bishop of Uramiah, p. 16). On more logical grounds, insisting that Jesus is God or son of God as the main article of faith reduces the natural human instinct to believe in a Creator (it is natural because every human being feels that anything that is organized must have an organizer) from believing in an absolute Creator of the universe who is felt naturally into having to believe in a given historical event that is limited in both time and space.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 18:05:43 +0000

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