It is safe to say we are living through a period of time where men - TopicsExpress


It is safe to say we are living through a period of time where men are malcontent. Every city seems to be facing challenges both politically and fiscally. Some individuals are going to work wondering whether or not that will be their last hour of pay before they are let go. Thus, society appears to be in a constant state of turbulence, seeking to find the one entity to blame for all their problems. There is very little peace, and even less patience. Men riot against “The Man” and express all manner of invective speech against authorities, agencies, corporations, and their own fellow humans. While the world continues to “speak evil of whatever [it does] not know,” the Christian is to hold oneself up to a higher standard. Perhaps we could best define this higher standard as the Christian’s spiritual demeanor. How should one behave in the face of economic adversity or political upheaval? God teaches us through His word what He expects of a Christian as they interact with those in authority and their fellow man. Jacob and his brothers provide us with a great example in Genesis 45:24. Jacob tells his brothers, “See that you do not become troubled along the way.” In other words, make sure you keep from quarreling, pursue peace with each other. Peace carries with it a certain civility. It seeks to be agreeable whenever possible, and always wants to avoid controversial conversation that avails nothing. As with love, it is willing to yield, in order that tranquility might rule the day. Work should be valuable to us, as adding positive blessings from God to our lives. We should see the payment from our work as a gift from God. Therefore, we are not to be stirring up strife with our employers. Instead, we should work peaceably, as if it were to God Himself. We ought not to complain about our work, because the Christian is to work quietly. We ought not to be spreading gossip, we have better work to do than involve ourselves in such frivolous activities. God expects us to work in such a way that we please both He and man: quietly going about our business serving God. Whether it be men and women that we meet walking down the street, our boss at work, or the government, God wants us to show civility, respect, and give due honor. He wants us to be exemplary citizens, individuals that men look at and have nothing but good to say. This is the spiritual demeanor. It is one who is always willing to yield. Always looking to spread peace. Always seeking after good things. Always quiet in its approach. Never spreading rumors. Shining its light so that all men may see that those who show such a demeanor worship the true God.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 12:21:46 +0000

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