It is said that Jesus did not call Peter Satan, but he called - TopicsExpress


It is said that Jesus did not call Peter Satan, but he called Satan, Satan! He was there tempting Peter and Peter fell into it and so Jesus said, Get behind me, Satan! He didnt say, Peter you are Satan, get behind me! Clearly we are all sinners anyways, he didnt give the keys of perfection in moral actions. Many of the listeners did not believe. They PROTESTED and walked away. He did not call Peter Satan, he alluded to the fact that it would be satans plan to deny to Jesus the fulfillment of his role as the Messiah by his passion and crucifixion. So Jesus says to Peter in the type of idiom used at that time get those thoughts of yours out of your head and away from me because they are not Gods but given to you by Satan who wishes to frustrate me One must remember that Jesus didnt speak English or any of the modern languages all of which have evolved over time, especially since the time the scriptures were written. Thats why one can not interpret the scriptures apart from the Church. By Louis G Joy Jesus rebuke of Peter was due to his unbelief that Jesus has to suffer and die in order to redeem mankind. It is just Peters natural reaction. What servant among us would want our master to be tortured and killed? However later on Jesus prayed that Peters faith would not fail (Luke 22:32). After His resurrection, Jesus appeared to Peter and the Apostles to assure them that He has resurrected as earlier prophesied in the Scripture. Jesus asked Peter if he love Him three times and Peter answered Yes. Jesus then told Peter to : feed my lambs (John 21:15:17). This signifies that Peter is given the lead role in leading the flock on earth while Jesus had ascended into heaven. - Fernando Uano Satan in hebrew means adversary. So really Peter was opposed to Christs plan like an adversary. So Jesus was not necessarily calling him Lucifer. - Brian Showalter As a contrast, you might want to ask these Protestants why Jesus prayed only for Peter when Satan had demanded to sift all of the apostles? (Luke 22:31-32) Peter had not yet been given the keys of the kingdom when this episode happened. by Wesley Falcao. It is necessary to always bear this in mind: nothing was conferred on the apostles apart from Peter, but several things were conferred upon Peter apart from the apostles. Pope Leo XIII - Andrew Adam. Paul sinned far more than Peter in his life. and you know why Saul Became Paul because of Jesus. Thats good example why Jesus loves sinners not the sin. I got it if you say you love Jesus, then you need to inquire about EVERYTHING Jesus taught. By Dove Sweet Gods Ways are NOT mans ways and Gods choices are NOT mans choices. The Creator has PERFECT criteria compared to a creatures criteria!!! lol! Jesus is the head and His chosen vicar is Peter. Jesus personally prayed that Peters faith not fail, Jesus promised the gates of hell would not prevail and Jesus gave the keys to His Kingdom to Peter and OBVIOUSLY SOMEBODY has to know the TRUTH. OBVIOUSLY the HOLY SPIRIT OVERSHADOWS THE CHURCH JESUS ESTABLISHED and not one of the thousands of man-made churches with mans choice for pastor with a different gospel and no human shepherd chosen by Jesus to administer the grace Jesus won for our salvation and nobody to consecrate the host to make Jesus present to us in His Flesh and Blood. ---> THERE are more signs who would betray him now adays! Q:Why Judas the first person to leave the mass early? satan entered into him [Jesus said,] But there are some of you that do not believe. For Jesus knew from the first who those were that did not believe, and who it was that should betray him . . . Did I not choose you, the twelve, and one of you is a devil? He spoke of Judas the son of Simon Iscariot, for he, one of the twelve, was to betray him. (Jn 6:64, 70-71) Satan serve and says who has faith alone. Thats why Faith alone cant save you. Q: but Judas hang himself and when our Lord Jesus christ was on the cross he said father forgive them for they dont no what they are doing. I want to know if Judas was among those that Jesus said that word for or he has hang himself before the words? Answer: there were two sins that Judas committed, the first was the handing over of Christ to the high Priest and his cohorts and the second was the sin of despair and the lack of faith That he could be forgiven and thus his suicide. Only God knows what his fate is and whether he was forgiven. According to what we know from Scripture Judas hung himself before Jesus was Crucified. Probally while He was being scrouged. One thing to keep in mind...Jesus forgave all but if Judas didnt accept Our Lords Forgiveness then he condemned himself. The Eucharist is a true sacrifice, not just a commemorative meal, as Bible Christians insist. The first Christians knew that it was a sacrifice and proclaimed this in their writings. They recognized the sacrificial character of Jesus’ instruction, Do this in remembrance of me (Touto poieite tan eman anamnasin; Luke 22:19, 1 Cor. 11:24–25) which is better translated Offer this as my memorial offering.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 04:56:36 +0000

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