It is said that large buildings can be toppled with a small hammer - TopicsExpress


It is said that large buildings can be toppled with a small hammer by one knowing where to tap, how much to tap, how long to tap, how hard to tap, the frequency to tap and other attributes. Some years ago experiments were conducted with coloured sand on drums, water and other substances where certain kotodama/ mantrayana were intoned or in some way elicited. Depending on the sound, a shape formed with the sound particles. Surprisingly, but not really, intoning OM or AUM made the OM mandala of interlaced triangles identical to what was identified and known as the renowned OM mandala since times long gone. And other sounds consistently corresponded to other forms. When marching over bridges soldiers are ordered to break step and resume once over, because the natural vibratory oscillation of the bridge might become entrained with the soldiers’ steps, and the bridge could become increasingly unstable and collapse as a result. The swaying builds up momentum until it breaks up. Directed vibrations, whether audible and within the limited human auditory range or otherwise, can create or destroy, heal or kill. I need not mention the skilled use of kiai, now an almost lost art. And I cannot comment about the walls of Jericho because I was not there. Maybe its just a myth. I’m not sure where or from what it was, that St.John’s piece was originally copied and re-translated with a chronological overlay. Many years ago I was inspired to take the ‘time’ element out of it and rephrase it in present moment articulation. That version is buried somewhere and one day I’ll dig it up. But in effect is not that difficult to work out and merely reiterates Vedic and other ancient philosophies, both Physics and Metaphysics at their core, revealing or concealing depending on who is doing the reading. Consider the principles of Yamabiko-no-Michi and it becomes self explaining. In effect it is the secret of the principles of Kotodama which are the ‘secrets’ of Creation itself: VIBRATION! “At, or preceding, each beginning IS vibration… (this, of course, applies to intention and action, receiving it in advance and countering it if of the nature of violent intent and so on…) It goes something like this: “At or preceding each beginning IS vibration… Vibration arises out of The Original substance, All vibration emerges from The Origin, And all manifestation begins with vibration, Nothing can exist that does not follow this principle, Light, the principle of expanding and Life, which makes consciousness arises like this. Also intention and action and all attributes of the universe and humans. Light consumes darkness, and it cannot be the other way around. It is the direction of the universe…” “Light’ and ‘darkness’ being attributes of the Yin and Yang as later described by Chinese Taoists: the earlier version being the Purusha and Prakrit of the Vedantins, now, if at all known, as mere labels, too often misunderstood as a result of superstitious thinking. Put in the simplest of terms, both material science and mystical science confirm that energy and matter, or spirit and matter, are interchangeable, evolve and devolve into each other and arise from one singular original ‘substance’, ‘stuff’, ‘essence’ or ‘completeness’. And neurons firing in the brain are nothing more than electrical discharges, sparks of LIGHT or HIKARI! Kotodama/Mantrayana or the science and art of vibrations, applies to both receiving and transmitting, such as, for example, in the telepathy between web workers (only web workers will ‘get’ this one). Also combatants and high risk workers, twins and others. As with the practice of so called ki or intention, reading it and making it and of course harmonising it as in aiki, riding a horse, navigating rough water and most other dynamic skills. In relationships, your tone of voice means a lot to others and determines how they will interact. More so your mental attitude. Some individuals may exploit this for good or for evil. Science and mysticism eventually arrive at the same conclusions since they are looking at the same Universe. The only difference being that some observers are more left brain hemisphere oriented and others more right. The principles do not alter, only the viewing point. Conceptual distortions and perhaps interpretational overlays made by attempted descriptions risk clouding the simplicity of it all. And of course the “Chinese whispers” which then usually follow. Regardless, the universe and its principles are not about to change, but are freely sitting there, hidden in plain sight, acting out, readily observable by anyone prepared to do the relevant work. And observe. Analysing it further, VIBRATION is the result of oscillation between the two opposites, the particle/waves of physicists or the references alluded to by mystics. All the same. At microcosmic levels this gives rise to “string theory” and dark matter theories. But spiritual scientists throughout the ages already had these points in hand using the ultimate instrument for noticing and measuring the universe, and also applying its principles in action and in life, this being the purified Hito Jinja. A question: What is the current that arises in the vibratory oscillation between the polarities? (of which there can only be two, each the opposite of its complement.) Observe what is possible in action. If one person can, so can anyone else, provided they are prepared to go through what may be required to develop the skill. “By their fruits ye shall know them.” Otherwise it’s just hot air and supposition. Kotodama and Yamabiko no
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 04:52:10 +0000

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