It is said that there are an infinite number of alternate - TopicsExpress


It is said that there are an infinite number of alternate realities for every conceivable possibility. As such, when looking at existence from a metaphysical perspective, events and incidents are not a random act of chance, but an inevitability. Once the concept of Gundam was born into this reality, endless worlds sprang from it, each housing infinite possibilities centered around this one word. In the infinite realm of possibility, two titanic representitives have sprung forth, each claiming to be the pinnacle of the eponymous mobile suit, an avatar to the very notion of Gundam. It is time to settle this debate once and for all (Yeah, right. XD) It is time for: Deadliest Mecha!! Im going to skip the introductions at this point, because I want to lay down a few disclaimers. First and foremost, do not take my word as Gospel, Id like to believe I take the most rational and objective view into this as possible, but as was once said: “Two things are infinite, as far as we know – the universe and human stupidity, and Im not sure about the former. This leads to the second point, Quantum Physics is a massive unknown at the moment. The term is thrown around, along with Metaphysical as a pseudoscientific buzzword as an excuse to throw around mysticism and spirituality. The reality is, though the subatomic forces may hold greater influence over the Universe than anything else (Emphasis on may) they are hardly absolute, and we still dont know enough to fully state what they can do. Finally, because I knew youd bring this up, I will factor in the Black History when discussing the Turn A, but... since you guys brought that to the table, I will ALSO factor in the ELS Qan[T]. *Grins Maniacally* Without further ado, lets get this under way! Weaponry: The Turn A is armed with a more diverse set of weaponry, with the standard rifle/sabers as well as a large flail and the abdomen mounted beam cannons. The Qan[T] meanwhile carries only its GN Gunblade V, and 6 GN sword bits. Now, the power demonstrated by the Turn As conventional weaponry is significantly higher than normal, as seen by its ability to cut warships into pieces with the sabers and level numerous opponents with its rifle. But when I was able to piece together just what the GN blades were, there was no contest as to who would win here. As their ability to manipulate GN Particles grew, Celestial being developed more effective ways of using them in conjunction with physical blades (Why they do this at all will be explained later), and by the end of 00 they gained the ability to use GN Particles to form a cross-linked synthetic polymer, much like how Gel can carry properties to both solids and liquids, this one can exhibit the abilities of both solid and PLASMA. This gives it the repelling factor and cutting ability of beam weaponry, as well as the impact potential of a solid substance, and... well, that final property will be touched upon later. With its all ranged abilities, remote attacking potential, the ability to form GN shields capable of blocking beam weaponry on the VIOLET scale, the Qan[T] clearly wins here. Winner: Qan[T] Defenses: The exact material used to make the Turn A is ambiguous, but it rarely comes into play anyways as its primary defenses are an I-Field Shell around its body (Further linking it to the UC.) and a nanite coating granting it limited regeneration (It can recover from most damage, but its not an instantaneous process, or even one as fast as the Devil Gundam demonstrated.) The Qan[T] is comprised of E-Carbon, effectively GN enhanced carbon nanotubes, and has the ability to form GN fields as barriers or direct shields using the bits. At first glance, the regeneration and total body I-Field seem to give the Turn A the edge. Save for one minor detail; GN Blades were designed SPECIFICALLY to penetrate energy fields (This is hardly obscure trivia, they flat out state this in Setsunas battle with Alejandro Corner, while using the more primitive Exias pure E-Carbon blades.) This makes the armor on the Turn A pretty much meaningless, as the GN blades can cut through them as easily as butter, and again; entirely armed with it. Winner: Qan[T] Agility: No friggin contest here either. The propulsion system on the Turn A seems to be a combination of Minovsky Craft and plasma thrusters, essentially what powers the V2 only it exchanged the highly weaponized wings of light for greater speed and agility (Not that it would need the wings, as well see.) GN Based propulsion meanwhile, seemingly functions similar to Minovsky craft (manipulation of the repulsion forces created by I or GN fields) which has been shown to grant Supersonic speeds with minimal inertia on the pilot, this can also be augmented with Trans-Am. Not that it really needs it since this beast can TELEPORT! Effectively what its doing, is manipulating its spacial position by abusing quantum entanglement. The best way I can describe this, is a sort of unseen link between sub-atomic particles actively connecting them across space in such a way that they can be said to exist in both places at once, while simultaneously not being there. Theoretically and to a degree practically (Subatomic particles only, so far at least) this can be used to relocate matter and energy through a form of teleportation. The full capabilities of this power are really unknown given the scope of the power demonstrated, but suffice to say its a power that can be conciously used and manipulated. Winner: Qan[T] Power Plant: The Turn A is powered by a sort of artificial black hole, effectively drawing energy from this singularity. Effectively, this grants it a form of semi-perpetual energy wherein it can continue to harvest it over a lengthy period of time. This... would be pretty impressive if GN Drives didnt already provide their own form of this. Basically, GN Drives harness energy from artificially induced Baryonic decay, which means they can harvest energy so long as they have a ready access of solar radiation and matter to decay (This will happen...eventually.) So it really boils down to how much they are able to harvest from it at any given time. Official specs for the Turn A state that its average power output (Time scale unknown but seems to be universal throughout all series save for the Cosmic Era, they really dont grasp this newfangled formula called 1+1=2) is approximately 27,000Kw or 27Mw. Pretty damn obscene when you consider the scale of the thing. The GN Drives however, proper ones at least, are shown to generate about 938.2 MeV PER BARYON (Yes, I know, Voltage and Watts are two different things. But Im limited by the data provided by official specs and they didnt list the Watts. Plus, the sheer scale of it should be enough to demonstrate the output difference) This would be absurd enough if this was the total output of the Qan[T], but it isnt, not by a long shot. Remember that its using the twin drive system, with reactors specifically built to act in sync with each other. The abuse of Quantum Entanglement (GN Particles have a knack for that) causes the energy production to be SQUARED rather than merely doubled. This means that in the same time frame a regular GN Drive has to produce the aforementioned figure, the Qan[T] will have produced 880219.24 MeV. Did I mention that it can produce even more Energy via Trans-Am? Because thats kind of a big deal. Yeah... not a contest in the slightest. Winner: Qan[T] Pilot: This was easy. Setsuna is both an Innovator and experienced pilot, having been raised as a child soldier in Krugis (Most likely Kurdistan). Rolan may be a newtype, but his pacifist nature and lack of experience put him at a huge disadvantage. It probably helps that Setsuna makes for a better Messiah than Jesus Yamato, I wont get into the many ways this works, but I will point out that Setsuna actually is Middle-Eastern, just saying. Winner: Qan[T] Special Features/Powered up form: Okay, the Black History is often used as an example of the Turn As unknown capabilities, since it kinda reset civilization back thousands of years , possibly several times. But heres the thing, how it did this was actually explained in detail: Its ultimate weapon, the Moonlight Butterfly, is a cloud of self-replicating nanomachines that seek out and destroy all technology by reducing it to the most basic elements, this can be directed and controlled to somewhat of an extent. At full force, it was stated to be able to spread from here to Jupiter. Heres the thing though, since both planets have their own orbital pattern, the distance between the two fluctuates depending on their current position. For the sake of fairness, were going to use the largest distance, roughly 968 million km (Im sticking with the metric system. Sorry America but this is much easier.) Theres a major limitation to this though; The Turn A by itself does not have the ability to use the Moonlight Butterfly to its full potential, which is what caused the Black History. It needs to work in tandem with the Turn X in order to pull it off, but for the sake of argument lets assume that it either can pull it off solo (Perhaps with an auxilary power plant it used to have or something) or has the cooperation of the Turn X. This is still not enough to bring down the Qan[T], which brings us to the Quantum System... and dear Primus this was a massive headache to fact check. Okay, the telepathy and teleportation of the 00 was due to the extended radius of Setsunas Quantum Brainwaves (Only possible through GN Particles, suck it Deepak Chopra!) , effectively allowing concious Quantum Communication and manipulation by the pilot. Normally, this would be limited by both the system and the speed of light (Entanglement requires that you established a sort of communication between the two points.) To pull of the most absurd levels of abusing this phenomenon, you would need a system to control it, and a means of Superluminal communication... both of which the Qan[T] has. Now, in all fairness, the idea of Transmitting information faster than light is nothing short of Science-Fiction right now. However, one potential method, which were currently looking into, basically involves a lengthy chain or network of Quantum Entanglement (Its entangled with Particle X, which is entangled with Particle Y which is entangled with Particle Z, meaning that any of these can be said to occupy any of the given spaces at once regardless of distance.) In laymans terms, it can teleport extreme distances and/or transmit information pretty much perfectly. The full extent of the Default Qan[T] isnt fully known, but it demonstrated huge capabilities by communicating successfuly with the ELS and teleporting to their homeworld. Both of which are enough to blow the whole debate out of the water by themselves. Lets start with the whole communication thing: The ELS evolved knowing no other forms of life aside from themselves, a collective sort of living metal. As such, they have no concept of individual Self since they basically act as a singular life form that can separate parts of itself that can later be reassimilated into a whole, which by extension means that they have no concept of interpersonal communication. As far as they know, the life forms attacking them are just a collection of matter and energy thats potentially harmful, which can be quelled by absorbing them. When Setsuna communicated with them though, he basically gave them the information regarding individuality and as such interpersonal communication, causing the ELS to realize what they were doing and stop it, since they could now gather information and evolve themselves without having to assimilate. Just to clarify here, were talking instant enlightement and pacification of a species that previously had no grasp of any of this, try to imagine what this could do to lifeforms that DID. As for the teleportation ability, the ELS homeworld was stated as being at the Far Side of another Galaxy. This is a bit of a dodgy statement given that Galaxies are in motion, but lets just assume they were referring to the position at that moment. Ive already given the distance between Earth and Jupiter, so now were moving onto light years. The speed of light is the fastest possible speed of physical travel (Space time warping and Quantum Teleportation notwithstanding as they arent technically moving and again those are highly theoretical right now) Light travels at approximately 1,080,000,000 kilometers per hour, which makes a single light year just under 10 trillion kilometers. The nearest star to us, Proxima Centuri, is about 4.24 light years away. If we were to assume that the ELS Homeworld is located in the Andromeda Galaxy, the closest one to our own (Which while most likely, is still mathematically insignificant given the sheer number of Galaxies in our own cluster, not to mention all the ones in the Universe at all, plus dwarf galaxies and small clusters.) that would mean a minumum distance of both the space inbetween Galaxies and the length of both of them, numerically speaking thats about 2.76 million light years. And the Qan[T] can traverse these two points instantanously. But now we come to the ultimate aspect of this, the ELS Qan[T]. When the ELS assimilated the knock-off GN Drives (Which produce energy in the red to orange spectrum) they were able to use their living metal properties to repair and upgrade them to act in the VIOLET spectrum. To put that in perspective, even Celestial Being never got further than Light Green. With Setsuna and the Qan[T] both upgraded by the ELS merging... The massive metaphysical ramifications are obscene. Imagine if you will, an entity that can communicate and teleport anywhere in the universe, has an absurd level of energy production (The twin drive system in the violet level would be bad enough, but it can CONSCIOUSLY CREATE MORE GN DRIVES!) and can never be truly killed as it never can truly be said to exist in any one place in space or time. Winner: Qan[T] Conclusion: It is not fair to call the Qan[T] a Gundam. Both it and Setsuna have ascended beyond the limitations of time and space. Together they have become concept itself given shape, a concept that resonates through infinite realities in infinite manifestations. Setsuna summed it all up from the very beginning with three simple words, three words that alone spell out the true nature of its existence. I am Gundam!
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 03:56:00 +0000

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