It is said that words hold great power for good or evil. I have - TopicsExpress


It is said that words hold great power for good or evil. I have even heard it said that we ourselves ARE spiritual words sent by God down from heaven. Words are the manifestation of spirits, voices, and power (These three things are interchangeable). Words are a tool by which voices are transmitted. This is why music and art can be so powerful: because they are a voice without necessarily any words. In heaven, power and words are united in such a way that words, as we know them on earth, are unnecessary. Voices are hot, cold, or lukewarm. Spiritually lukewarm words have a blatantly deceptive voice. Conviction has become a grotesque beast for many people, along with other words that were created by the word of God. Mankind corporately takes words out of context more and more increasingly over time. Our world is repeating Babylon’s prideful counterfeit system of words. The spirit of Babylon’s’ united system of communication is upon us. Pontus pilot said, “What is truth?” He was in the thick of evil voices - though spewing diplomatic words. The Lord is ready to spew a lot of people out of His mouth. First came Babylon, then came Sodom and Gomorrah, then came the plagues on Egypt, then came the days of Jeremiah the prophet. Now are the days of Jesus return: which is the judgment of God upon the whole of mankind. The judgment of God is always flowing freely throughout His creation, as is His grace. The voice of His judgment and grace go hand in hand to ensure that the evil is rooted out of existence and that the good is established. The harshest judgment is reserved for the gray areas where no real truth abides, where pretense is in command, and where indecision reigns. This is caused by a mantle of fear, spread over whole continents. We need to hold true to the Spirit of God’s words (which is their power), and not just to the flimsiness of their intellectual interpretations. The true and most intense uprising of the power of God is done by those sons and daughters who delight in the fearsome power of God’s silence. Incidentally, God will roar in a much greater way than He ever has before soon. The power of God is crucial to the growth of the body of Christ. God Himself is leading all of us to the great and final conclusion of this first chapter of eternity, which is Jesus appearing on earth spiritually. More than ever now is the importance of actually going for yourself – deeper into God’s love and judgment, both personally and by bearing each other’s burdens. We who hold true to God must delve deeper into the power of God i.e.; (ongoing fulfillments of the fruits of the spirit/ the be attitudes) and let them blossom into works and words as the spirit leads. Those who don’t partake in the presence of God are vulnerable to the negative power of the world’s words, which in effect is confusion. It is actual practice and movement of words that count, not just their lifeless existance apart by themselves. This is the oil we need to be burning with. We need to cultivate holy selfishness for the will of God, and for His mercy for mankind. We need to start somewhere! If not me, who? If not here, where? If not now, when? Words must be alive alive ALIVE! They must be love and hate, yes and no, good and bad. I pray that all those who take God’s name in vain would receive a wonderful blessing from Jesus each time they do. The name of Jesus, spoken out, works awesome miracles in people’s hearts, even for those using it as a curse. Ultimately, they know not what they do. Zombie words are a languishing multitude of indecisive skeletons spread throughout the world. There is a lot of deeply buried hunger for Jesus all throughout the world! We need to be spiritually attuned, vigilant, lucid, and on fire!
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 01:04:09 +0000

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