It is seldom I write “anything” on social media, I don’t - TopicsExpress


It is seldom I write “anything” on social media, I don’t send posts out every day, week, or month telling complete strangers what I have just eaten for dinner, or what my cat “Clive” has just done or where I am having a pint. I don’t do so, as I am always, acutely aware, that I may say, or do something, to offend, I seldom comment on posts, or voice my opinion for fear of being incorrect, I like to post only when I am 100% sure I am correct in what I say, that way no one is offended and I can stand by what I say. So here it goes. We the “public” have been drip fed (purposely in my opinion) information recently on the Ebola pandemic, that has slowly been crossing national borders over the last few months, and realistically, it is only a matter of time before it comes to Ireland (again My opinion) That in itself is scary, as a Father and husband, I fear for my family as I am sure we all do. When it eventually arrives here, as I am convinced it will at some stage, we the public will look to our Government, and our Health officials for guidance and help, We will go to our GP and ask about inoculations and lay ourselves at their mercy and expertise, and hope and pray that they will guide us through this horrible time, and I have “NO DOUBT” that they will do as they always do, their level best. But this is where the “KICK” lies, and this is where it gets complicated. When there is a problem in any of our hospitals, be it private or public, or any medical treatment centre, there is always a government body/board set up to deal with that complaint, for example, if you are concerned with your treatment by a medical professional, you can complain to the medical council, they in turn will listen to your complaint and if they feel it’s a valid one they will send an independent officer to the facility and they will investigate and write a report, outlining their “Independent” nonbiased findings, this report is “FINAL” it cannot be appealed, as the report has been independently investigated. Fair enough? But what if you found out that this “INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATOR” ALSO WORKED for the facility that you made the complaint about? As a paid consultant, to ensure that incidents like your complaint do not occur? And that this was allowed, by the body/board that was set up to help you in your hour of need??? What has this to do with Ebola you might ask? Well consider this…… from the calibrations of the test equipment, to the specifications of the medicine used to treat your ailment, to the X Rays you may require for treatment (in the event of this disease reaching our shore) has been compromised. This Independent Investigator, regardless of what body he represents, also works for the facility he has been asked to monitor, and ensure sticks to the guidelines of excellence required to run a medical facility, to a standard that as a citizen you should expect to receive in your hour of need. I ask you just one question, WOULD YOU TRUST THE FOX TO LOOK AFTER THE CHICKEN COUP??????? Having been caught myself by this situation, I would strongly advise that, you petition your local representative NOW…. To ensure that in the event of a national emergency, such as Ebola hitting our shores, that the standards that we should expect in Medical facilities across Ireland are up to standard, and not those of double jobbing independent government investigators, who can write on a report that is considered “FINAL” all is well here. We need to be 100% certain that all equipment, from biohazard suits, and, calibrated equipment, to X Rays are up to government standards, and not the suppliers of said equipment. I have never sought to buy a second hand car yet, that the seller hasn’t told me was the “best car on the road” that’s why I always give my Mechanic a few quid to come with me, I think we all deserve this when it concerns our families health. Just a little food for thought.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 08:13:03 +0000

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