It is simplistic to think you can predetermine a dogs behavior - TopicsExpress


It is simplistic to think you can predetermine a dogs behavior with no more information than their genetic background. For example, there is absolutely no proof that a Labrador or Golden Retriever is either more or less likely to maul a child than say a Pit Bull or a Chow. The basis that certain breeds are more aggressive than others was formed using very limited information. Often the number of attacks and breed are all that is taken into consideration. We now know that method is flawed because when a Pit Bull, German Shepard, or Doberman Pinscher attacks the situation is obviously going to be much more serious and therefore more often reported. Also, when stronger, tougher, less fearful breeds, such as the aforementioned, are involved there will be notable blood and gore which in turn leads to people talking and possible media coverage. Because of the morbid obsession many of us seem to have with the misfortunes of our fellow man or woman, the inadequacies of the analysis of the available information used in prior studies, and the sensationalizing, ratings hungry and bias medias exploitation of tragedy and those it has affected, some breeds of dogs have been unjustly stigmatized. Recent, more intricate analysis of newly performed surveying of dog owners, such as the one linked, takes into consideration several other factors. Those who conducted this study found that a great number of things largely influence a dogs actions and reactions in specific situations. Environmental variables such as the age of the dog and that of the owner, whether he or she had been spayed or neutered, whether they attained training classes and to what degree, and where the the pet was obtained all largely influence a dogs overall demeanor and temperament. Given that, I speculate that location, population density, income, social interaction, etc... can also play role. Upon the realization that there are so many other elements that can affect the development of a pets personality, it is abundantly clear that basing the likelihood of aggression and the possibly of a dog attack using only breed as in indicator is out right prejudice. huffingtonpost/2014/03/06/dog-aggression-study-applied-animal-behaviour-science_n_4911861.html
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 16:14:55 +0000

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