It is so disappointing and disconcerting that the Russian military - TopicsExpress


It is so disappointing and disconcerting that the Russian military has entered the Ukraine and is surrounding Ukraines military bases in the Crimea area and that the Russian Navy has blocked the Ukraines Naval ships. The Putin we saw during the Olympics seemd so friendly, likeable and very much a world leader. I was expecting joint military trainings, economic trade and a warmer relationship between our 2 countries. Now he wants to take over the Ukraine? What happened in such a short space of time? I certainly dont want any type of military confrontation between the US & Russia. As a Nation we are war weary and our econmy is in shambles and yet how can we stand by and do nothing if the Ukraines are taken over by another country when all they want is independence? Does any one have any insight or thoughts on this?
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 00:16:20 +0000

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