It is so sickening how little it takes anymore for someone to - TopicsExpress


It is so sickening how little it takes anymore for someone to become an internet fitness celebrity and gain respect and notoriety in this field. The people with the most IG followers, Facebook shares, and burgeoning YouTube accounts are nearly never the most knowledgeable or capable. . And frankly a lot of them are nothing more than average gym goers with slick words, a mastery of bathroom selfie lighting and video editors, and a good set of abs. What those outside this industry dont realize is that with enough money and time, ANYONE can create a facebook fan page, setup a website, get a photoshoot, print up business cards, and even get certified so long as they can pass the test. NONE of these things actually mean theyre knowledgeable, capable, and deserving of your time, trust and money. And most of these people arent certified or educated at all. It seems like clicking on any given pic on my IG Popular Page leads to yet another 20 something kid with a bio thats 50% emojis and ends with the same Personalized nutrition plans! Email me!. Dont get me wrong, we all have to start somewhere. But lets face it, most of these people are just rehashing and resharing the same cookie-cutter, psuedo science BS plans that perpetuates the bad diets and training many of us later have to un-teach to the poor saps who trusted them. If you really look at their posts and their content - is there really anything that displays their knowledge? I doubt it. I also doubt youll find many actual pictures of their clients, and mostly redundant pictures of themselves. I realize some of the responsibility should be put on the individuals following them and trusting them in the first place. But frankly this is the state of the average Americans knowledge of diet and fitness. These wannabes prey on the naivete of the average persons complete lack of understanding of nutrition and training. Its a lot easier to demonize a food, our age, our genetics, than take a slower and healthier route. And so these accounts grow and grow every day. Its exhausting trying to compete with these people, and honestly I stopped a long time ago. I refuse to basically whore myself out professionally to try to compete with less competent individuals. Id rather continue to keep my business word of mouth, and grow it slowly than debase myself to get the response and reach that they do. I dont really have a nice pretty way to wrap this rant up. Mostly I just want to get it off of my chest after some recent dealings with a couple of these wannabe fitness celebs screwing people over right in my backyard. More than anything Im just exhausted and disgusted by the ease with which these people find success, and alternately how many amazing trainers and coaches I know who put out so much great information and are fighting for a fraction of the success. End rant.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 18:24:18 +0000

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