It is so true, we do want the best for them and we dont want them - TopicsExpress


It is so true, we do want the best for them and we dont want them to go through some of the same pain in life that we went through, that is what I wanted to spare them from. The do have to learn to stand on there own two feet and make it in this world, nothing is for FREE we all have to work for what we want in life. It is hard to let go of your children, specially when the move away to collage or if the get involved in a relationship that you can see is no good for them. The hardest thing in the world is to let your child make that mistake so the can learn on there own. There is nothing you can do but step back, bu there is one thing, you can PRAY, God knows where the are, what the are doing. Just like HE watched over me and he let me make choices in my life and some of them where wrong ones, we have to learn from them. With parents when we do something wrong we know what our punishment will be, but with GOD we dont know. Once we make a choice in our life the chain of reaction has started, there is no stopping it, not even GOD will do that for us, we would never learn or get it. So make good choices, you will have a good chain of reaction, make bad choices there will be a bad chain of reaction and we have no idea how long that will last. HE will allow us to go around and around that mountain untill we get it. So I thank GOD for all the lessons I learned along the way, but most of all I thank HIM for my three wonderful girls that HE Blessed me with, I am so proud of you girls, Claudia Wilson Shepley Elizabeth Wilson Faletic and Maria Wilson I trieed to be the best Mom that I could be with what I was given as I grew up. So glad and thankful that GOD has always bin there for me. LOVE you girls so much.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 10:42:55 +0000

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