It is still Merry Christmas! The spirit of Christmas . . . the - TopicsExpress


It is still Merry Christmas! The spirit of Christmas . . . the Holy Spirit remaining in those who have discovered JESUS through the power of HIS WORD and lived out in relationships make Christmas truly different and meaningful. In SHED, relationships with Christ continue to be tested up to the last working day, December 29, 2014. For the first time in its 3-year history, SHED employees did not receive their payroll for the 2nd half of December 2014. Some member-beneficiaries failed to live out their commitment to pay their collateral-free micro loans before the 29th. I was already in Tagaytay for my familys yearly gathering when I god this news. Following is my message to the SHED staff: I am saddened to know that, for the first time, SHED employees did not get their salaries on time. I am sure GOD is not happy too. But, as followers of Christ, let us rejoice just the same. For this is part of how HE strengthen and transforms those belonging to HIM through SHED. The poor we are called to help will be blessed as they learn to be more serious,pure and responsible in living out their loan covenant. Some of them continue to be far from this. Others have grown in seriously living out their collateral-free micro-loan covenant. Our poor, member-beneficiaries, have to learn that borrowings from SHED have the consequence of a shared responsibility. A default by one has the consequence of another suffering from that default. This can be avoided if member-borrowers live out their public covenant when they decided to receive the loan. We cannot afford defaults or past due because we have other commitments like paying our people without delay. How does GOD want SHED to respond to these continuing challenges? Is ending poverty possible? Out answer is YES! FOR NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD . . . IF WE ARE LIVING IN THE POWER OF OUR ALMIGHTY GOD (LUKE 1:37). BUT SEEK FIRST HIS KINGDOM AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, AND ALL THESE THINGS WILL BE GIVEN TO YOU AS WELL. (MATTHEW 6:33). WE ARE TAKING ON THIS CHALLENGE! OUR CAMPAIGN IS FOR AN INCREASING NUMBER OF HUMANITY, INDIVIDUALS AND INSTITUTIONS, TO JOIN US IN THIS CAMPAIGN. JOIN SHED AND BE A PART OF US IN THIS SHARED RESPONSIBILITY TO END POVERTY AND ALL FORMS OF EXPLOITATION IN OUR COUNTRY! SUPPORT THIS ADVOCACY! ALONE, WE CANNOT DO IT. TAKEN COLLECTIVELY, WITH GOD ON OUR SIDE, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 01:46:24 +0000

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