It is such a beautiful cold Monday morning. Lets have an argument, - TopicsExpress


It is such a beautiful cold Monday morning. Lets have an argument, shall we? 1. Can you BELIEVE we have a black President. Now you know, there is no way that we, as Americans would have voted a black person into the White House, so maybe we should BLOCK everything he tries to do while in office, even though the MAJORITY of Americans voted for him. (wait, the Republicans are already doing that, arent they) 2. Well, it is mid terms during the second term of the Black President that real Americans didnt vote for, so we need to vote EVEN MORE Republicans in to block any thing he wants to pass for the good of the American people. (AGAIN, wait, they are already blocking everything he tries to put through) 3. In the state of Georgia, the people have a candidate for Senate that BRAGGED about sending jobs overseas. They call it outsourcing. He gave a deposition and then said he was PROUD of it. BUT NOW, he says No when questioned about whether he ever outsourced jobs. (And people are still going to vote for him, because heaven forbid they vote for a DEMOCRAT) 4. In Iowa, they have a woman who wants to pass a law to say that at the moment of conception a woman HAS NO RIGHTS. ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO THE CHILD THAT DOES NOT EXIST YET. 5. Mitch McConnell says if he is elected and the Senate is RULED by the Republicans then they will send bills to the President and show the people they can govern. Should be a good show, since for the last six years all they have done is say I filibuster>... And with that I will shut up.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 12:18:43 +0000

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