It is that life you want to live but you just think you cant do - TopicsExpress


It is that life you want to live but you just think you cant do it. When signing up for a network marketing company, some people just cant get involved. They cant get over the fact that they have to do something in order to make money.. but what is holding them back??? I can tell you what is holding them back.. 1. They care too much of what others think... Their WHY isnt as important as everyone elses opinion. 2. They think they will lose friends and people will stop talking to them. 3. They dont want to post before and after pictures on their Facebook as they are too embarrassed. 4. They think they have no support from anyone, therefore they just dont try in the first place. 5. That first person that tells them no, they get bummed and think it is all over. I know some people sign up and one of these holds them back. I dont think they realize what they are really doing.... If you burst a little reality at them, they may think otherwise. Why dont you want to share this amazing company to the world? These products are changing peoples lives. These products have helped cancer patients, these products have help people with obesity, these products have helped people with their all around health. THESE PRODUCTS ARE AMAZING! So why wouldnt you want to help someone change their life? Your family needs this more than anything. Why do you care about what people think? They arent paying your bills, they arent telling your child he cant ever go to Disneyland.. They arent telling your kids that they cant eat a home cooked meal? If you let someone elses opinions bring you down or stop you from living your dreams, then you will never get anywhere. I remember when I first started. I was worrying about posting too much, or posting my own personal before and after pictures. Well, I took things into my own hands and said... if these people are my true friends and family, then they will support me through this journey I have started. I am not saying they have to join, however I am saying they dont stop being my friend or my family member just because I decided to change my life. Why are you too embarrassed to post your before and after pictures?? Everyone starts from somewhere and you are changing for the better. These people dont have to look at you in the mirror naked. You have to look at yourself and you are bettering yourself. If you still dont feel comfortable about posting your own pictures, then dont. It isnt required.. You have plenty before and after pictures given to you by the company to market with. You have more support than you know.. You have a team of 450 men and women doing the same thing that you are doing and working towards the life they want to live. They are there to support you 24/7. When that first person tells you no, you stop.. I have been there. I tried Gold Canyon years back.. bought my kit for 99 dollars and the first person that told me no, I quit. Now I look back and think to myself.... How many times have I told someone no about joining something or buying something. I just yelled at a guy for coming to my door and asking me for a security system... I said no thanks, he began to tell me I needed one, and I said no thats what a gun is for and I yelled at him NO! Boom, there is one no. Then I am walking through the mall and a person at the kiosk asks me to sample their product. I say no thanks. Boom there is two.. Shall I keep going? It may be a long list.. alright, I will stop there.. but my point is... START BRAGGING ABOUT THIS COMPANY, THE PRODUCTS, THE LIFESTYLE, YOUR GOALS, YOUR WHY, AND YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS. STOP CARING WHAT OTHERS THINK. THEY ARE NOT WORTH YOU GIVING UP ON YOUR JOURNEY!
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 17:36:01 +0000

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