It is the responsibility of every Muslim, man and woman, old and - TopicsExpress


It is the responsibility of every Muslim, man and woman, old and young, to revive these ten days until they become for our community like the last ten nights of Ramadan. Ibn al-Qayim explained that the best nights of the year are the last ten nights of Ramadan while the best days of the year are the first ten days of Dhul hijjah. Our lives are short and our accountability great. We cannot afford to let golden moments like these pass by without expending ourselves in the worship of Allah. So let our mosques and homes resound with wave after wave of the takbeer of Allah until they resemble the market places of Medina in the era of the companions. As the Islamic year draws to a close, let us revive the ancient ritual of our forefather Ibrahim. And as the pilgrims set out for Hajj, hoping to return pure from sins like the day they were born, let us remember that we too have worship that will tire us and consume us, but will illuminate our faces on the day that we meet our Lord...Insha Allah!
Posted on: Sun, 06 Oct 2013 13:22:31 +0000

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