It is time that the American people were told the truth about our - TopicsExpress


It is time that the American people were told the truth about our energy situation, and the truth is that we have plenty of energy resources. The following stats have been updated from one of my previous articles… #1 Back in 1995, the U.S. Geological Survey told the American people that the Bakken Shale formation in western North Dakota and eastern Montana only held 151 million barrels of oil. Today, government officials are admitting that it holds 7.4 billion barrels of recoverable oil, and some analysts believe that the actual number could be closer to 24 billion barrels of oil. #2 It is estimated that there are 19 billion barrels of recoverable oil in the tar sands of Utah. #3 It is estimated that there are 86 billion barrels of recoverable oil in the Outer Continental Shelf. #4 It is believed that there are 800 billion barrels of recoverable oil in the Green River formation in Wyoming. #5 Overall, the United States is sitting on approximately 1.442 trillion barrels of recoverable oil. #6 According to the Institute of Energy Research, the United States has an 88 year supply of natural gas. #7 According to the Institute of Energy Research, the United States has a 169 year supply of oil. #8 According to the Institute of Energy Research, the United States has a 465 year supply of coal. #9 Goldman Sachs is predicting that the United States will be the number one oil producing country in the world by the year 2017. So the bottom line is that we have plenty of energy resources. We do not need to be importing oil from OPEC or anyone else. But just because we are not going to run out of oil, natural gas or coal any time soon does not mean that we should not be developing alternative energy resources. We should definitely be seeking ways to produce energy more cheaply, more cleanly and more efficiently. If America does not end up leading the world in developing new forms of energy, we should be ashamed of ourselves. And right now, the Chinese appear to be way ahead of us as far as thorium energy is concerned, and Italian scientists appear to be ahead of our own scientists in developing “cold fusion” technology. Read more at secretsofthefed/20-trillion-the-biggest-oil-discovery-in-50-years/#WqICzoQp0ToQmMTy.99
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 06:39:31 +0000

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