It is too kewl 4 skewl that water has oxygen in it its chemical - TopicsExpress


It is too kewl 4 skewl that water has oxygen in it its chemical composition. just a lot of oxygen floating around in hydrogen. What does that really mean, well techinically those atoms are composed of electric charges that are either plus,minus or neutral. it is a sign of what is the light that is love and how to find it. Electromagnetism is happening now and is everything we perceive for the most part besides gravity which is based on the interaction of the density of energy and matter in a system... Mother Earth is water and earth lighting into existence. we must protect Mother Earth for life and nature are precious. be mindful of your consumption and practice the middle way. the more reverent one is of all life, the higher they may go. Peter ate meat in the Book of Acts he once as a Jew believed was unclean. But Jesus really seems to only eat fish. We must each discover God as our true self. These are just pointers. The point is Love which can be a moment of eternity through fun. either way Jesus says in the Gospel of Thomas: I am the Light that is all things. I am all. He was speaking to just his disciples. James in his epistle calls Adonai Elohim the Father of Lights. Peace be with you.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 03:41:15 +0000

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