It is usually not good news when you are approached by the police - TopicsExpress


It is usually not good news when you are approached by the police and F.B.I. But they had not come to question me or arrest me as they stopped for a brief chat. It was mid-afternoon before I was able to tale a lunch break. After I placed my order I noticed that the only other people who were dining was couple who had a child that appeared to be no older that two years of age. When the waitress brought the food I had ordered for whatever reason I told her I wanted to pay for the couples meal. Why not? It was only a few weeks before Christmas and I enjoyed watching them play with their little one. I was still finishing my meal when they stopped by my table to thank me for what I had done. He had tears in his eyes and became choked up when he informed me that his wife was with the F.B.I. and he was with the Wichita police department. He said, Because of our work we are not accustomed to anyone treating us nicely. A short time later my wife and I were shopping for furniture. After browsing through the store we finally decided to buy a pair of adjoining leather recliners. As I stood at the counter to complete the transaction the cashier informed me that another customer wanted to pay for our purchase. It would me an understatement to say that we were shocked. When she pointed out the gentleman who was being so generous I recognized him as the father of a lady who attended our church. Several months earlier I had a brief conversation with him at a hospital while visiting his daughter as she was recovering after her surgery. The meal for the couple in the restaurant cost about $20. The furniture we selected cost about $2,000. Perhaps there are two lessons to learn. First, Jesus said, Give and it shall be given to you.. My motive in paying the restaurant tab was not to receive anything in return. I simply gave because I wanted to be a blessing ... not because I expected to be blessed. Second, Jesus also said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.. I no longer own the furniture. Material things dont last forever. But the memory I have of those two events will remain with me for the rest of my life. I certainly was blessed by receiving. But I was blessed even more by giving. #woodswitandwisdom
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 12:56:53 +0000

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