It is very hard for me to open up to people. This is a little bit - TopicsExpress


It is very hard for me to open up to people. This is a little bit about my life that I just wanted to share with everyone so you can get to know me better, and hopefully it can help you get through some of the more difficult and trying times. Im taking the day off.....maybe? I pushed myself for a full 7 days training, I dont think you understand the gravity of this in my life. My body has been out of commission for around 17 years, at one point a doctor told me that I had Osteosarcoma....its a rare bone eating cancer that the only cure for it is amputation. I went home that night and turned on the Fox network and at that very moment a show on television came on and it said On a very special Party of Five (apparently every episode was very special because they said that every week) Charlie may have Cancer and die! I started balling my eyes I am this 19 year old kid and Im thinking that Im going to have my leg cut off! I got a second, third, fourth and so on opinion from doctors around the state. Still no answers and my leg had gotten so bad that it was in a locked position and any movement or even somebody bumping into it would cause sever and excruciating pain. At this point hope was slowly fading away for me and my world grew black and cold....I felt lost. Finally at some point my mother told me that she found a surgeon at Seattle Childrens Hospital that was willing to do a biopsy on me It took three months of my mothers hard work to get insurance going through the Red Cross so my surgery could be paid for. I am the son of a plumber (and damn proud of it, my father was a great and loving man who always took care of his family) so not a rich person by far, not as far as money goes but, Im rich in other ways. I went to Seattle and had the biopsy done. The surgeon opened my hip up scraped out all the dead bone and and put my hip back into a normal position so I could live with a little less pain and still walk with a bit of a (gangsta!) limp. After a few days or so they called my mother back and told her that they still didnt know what was wrong with me, so they were going to send pieces of my bone across the county to specialists for testing to try and diagnose my ailment. I dont remember how long it took for them to get back to me but, it seemed like a long time (remember this took place almost 17 years ago so my memory is a bit fuzzy). The diagnosis was chalked up to Reiters syndrome a form of arthritis that produces pain swelling redness and heat in the joints. It is one of a family of arthritic disorders affecting the spine. Reiters commonly involves the joints of the spine and the sacroiliac joints areas where the spine attaches to the pelvis. The answer to my ailment was still not completely defined, they told me that this is what they think it could be but, it was not 100% conclusive. I lived with the thought of never being able to live a normal life and the reality of constant pain throughout. The years passed and my hip got jammed into my pelvis so badly that it caused me more and more debilitating pain and limited movement. At the beginning of 2013 I talked my doctor and said its time to do something Im to young to live like this, without pause he declared to help me out. He referred me to a doctor at Orthopedics Northwest here in town and he told me that he knows a Surgeon in Seattle who is only one of forty people in the word that did the kind of surgery I needed (hip resurfacing, which is one of the more risky hip Surgerys). My brother brought me to Swedish Medical Hospital in Seattle to talk to the surgeon, he asked me if Im a risk taker and I replied yes, I guess I have to be if I ever want to improve my life. He looked at my x-rays and said he was not sure if he could get my hip free because it was so far jammed into my pelvis (I laughed when the x-ray tech saw my x-ray and said Ouch, I replied yeah). The surgeon said that he would have to think about it and call me back to which I replied yeah right Ill call you. He said to me no dont worry I will call you back. About a week passed and I had figured that he had decided it was not a feasible surgery. I was wrong, he asked if I still wanted to have the surgery and without hesitation I said yes. It had been about 6 months waiting, doctors appoints, and many miles traveling back and forth until I finally got to have my surgery. I asked if I could stay awake and watch them work on me. I had studied this kid of surgery online days previously to the surgery and wanted to make sure they did a good job. I watched them go to work, and the work they did on me was 1st class and even better than the videos I had watched. I decided that I was going to take it easy and milk it for as long as I can because the hip will wear out over time and I will have to have more surgerys through out my life. Its about a year later now and my ideas have changed significantly. With the help of god and some good friends I have been training every day 7 days and I dont want to stop any time soon. God is healing me inside and out for some greater reason. I guess the point in telling you all of this, is that I have been in more physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental pain than any person would ever care to deal with and I am still here (alive and kicking). If you ever need a friend or just want to talk I am here for you. I love all my friends and only wish them the best in life no matter what. Gods love is real, misunderstood at times yes but, very real. I hope this enriches your life a little and gives you perspective, never give up. Please feel free to repost and share this as much as possible. God bless!
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 20:50:02 +0000

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