It is very sad to see and hear every other day that a crime is - TopicsExpress


It is very sad to see and hear every other day that a crime is taking place in this lovely City of ours. In one of my posts have rightly indicated. That the Country as a whole is not safe for the aged, women and children. I am a non entity, who keeps on barking, like a faithful dog, but......Yes there a few stalwarts who keep saying that the Country is run by goondas and there is no law and order whatsoever, but that is not good enough. We need more people to voice their opinion, as today it is for that innocent photo journo. Tomorrow it is most likely to come visiting us at our doorstep, and then there will be no one to speak up for us. The right people who are bleeding the system and living off the poor, keep mum, as they understand that the moment they open their mouth, their taps will run dry and they will not get that blood money that is flowing so easily into their coffers. But woe be tide that day may come, when all the money in the world will not be able to save them, as the same people will come to them for their pound of flesh. Yes an innocent young girl is brutally raped by five goons, three to be exact, as the other two hold down on her fellow journalists. They even have the audacity to tape the proceedings on their cells (misuse of some great toys) and.... Yes those ass.....ministers come and go to show sympathy, and soon everything will be forgotten. What happens to the girl, her family and friends? can these freaks at the least get (no promises) hold of the miscreants and give them a doze of their own medicine. Can these bunch of p....not show some gumption and enforce some law and order in this otherwise peaceful city, which they have brought to such a state. Guess they have no b.... and also their taps will run dry, as they have to keep the money flowing for 10 plus generations. F...the country. The swords only get publicity, when they visit the victim. One should be ashamed to show ones face in public, if one cannot do ones job. It is a waste of tax payers money, and misuse of police protection, when the latter should be be used to contain such crimes. Then there will also be traffic related problems, jams to ensure the misfits safety, for him/her not doing their job. God what are we coming to. Treating these p.... like demi gods? S H A M E........
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 08:43:03 +0000

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