It is very shameful that a court in a Muslim country like Egypt - TopicsExpress


It is very shameful that a court in a Muslim country like Egypt has banned the activities of a world renowned Islamic organization founded in 1928 for promoting the Islamic code of life. The organization- Ikhwanul Muslimeen-has the largest following in the country and majority of the people had also voted this organization to power in June 2012. But under a well-thought out international plot commanded by the Jewish state of Israel and supported by Arab monarchs and autocrats and the Christian state of USA, the Islamic government headed by Dr Mohammad Morsi was overthrown on 3rd July 2013 without any legal or moral justification and duly elected President Dr Mohammad Morsi detained under military coup and thousands of innocent Muslims killed for protesting against the anti-Democratic method of dethroning a popular government. Millions of people despite all odds have been protesting against this illegal coup but the international and Egyptian media has been ignoring all these events. Thousands of Muslims have been brutally butchered by the “Muslim” army of Egypt at the behest of Israel, USA, Arab Kings particularly Shah Abdullah’s autocratic regime of Saudi Arabia. No government in any Muslim country except Turkey has uttered a single word of protest against the massacre of Muslims at the hands of Egyptian army. They are tight-lipped so as not to enrage their masters in White House. These types of Muslim rulers fear the worldly powers rather than the supreme power of Allah and still call themselves as the representatives of Muslim Ummah. Jama’at-e-Islam i J&K, while expressing deep sorrow and regret over the anti-Islamic role of Al-Sisi military Junta and other Arab monarchs in Egypt, strongly condemns the un-Islamic ruling of the Egyptian court banning all the activities of Muslim Brotherhood. In seems these judges are paid agents of Jews and Christians and issuing their verdicts as dictated by the anti-Islamic lobbies’ active in Egypt including Communists and so-called liberals. Jama’at also strongly condemns double standard of USA and his other allies who on one hand are representing themselves as the champions of democracy but on the other, when they see any Islamic party coming to power through this democracy then they start planning to create all hurdles in its way. The glaring examples before us are Algeria, Turkey (in past), Egypt and now Bangladesh. Jama’at cautions the Ummah against the designs of these anti-Islamic powers and exhort all Muslims to remain united for the cause of Islam and defeat all these anti-Muslim forces by the strong unity and attachment to Islam. Advocate Zahid Ali Spokesperson
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 10:42:05 +0000

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