It is very unfortunate but as I scout for new talent like I always - TopicsExpress


It is very unfortunate but as I scout for new talent like I always do, and meet & have conversations with the newer generation of people who are entering the workforce looking for a career I am sadly reminded that my age bracket must be the last generation of people who truly know and comprehend hard work and what it takes to be successful. The new generation seems more focused on the perks of the job, TIME OFF (laughable), what they are entitled too and how close to 6 figures they make straight out of school before paving their road, paying their dues and putting the endless hours of hard work in first! As a parent it is vital that we dont distort the visions and views on success for our kids. NO amount of success that is truly sustainable will ever come without busting your ass first. Nothing ever is owed to us. I am so glad to say that at only 9 yrs old my son knows exactly what it means to earn something. Fortunately because of the 13 years of me busting my own ass I can supply him with anything he needs, BUT he knows better than to ever expect or feel entitled to anything from me. Instead without any motivation from me, when he wants something he goes out and will solicit the neighborhood if he has to (which hes done on several occasions and will sell his little but off and EARN the money he needs to buy what ever it is that he wants). All I can say is parents of this generation need to get yourself together and start breeding work ethic into your kids rather than creating levels of expectations in them. It will be the demise of our nation which was built on hard work and an entrepreneurial spirit if this trend isnt fixed quickly!! My new rule, if any candidate asks me about time off, vacation pay or job perks in the first interview then my interview is immediately done.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 02:41:44 +0000

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