It is vile Zionist Jews who are behind the terrorist group known - TopicsExpress


It is vile Zionist Jews who are behind the terrorist group known as ISIS or Islamic State (also, Islamic State of Syria). It is an entity which commits bloodthirsty murder throughout the Middle East. Yet, once again, it is Jews and Jews alone who are completely behind it. Moreover, their goal has been in part achieved, which is to slaughter as many Muslims – and to a degree Christians – in the Middle East as possible. The shock preachers, as well as so-called leaders, of the entity known as ISIS or Islamic State of Syria are all Jews. In other words, those who most aggressively promote the bloodthirsty clique are clear and categorical Zionist agents. These arch-Zionists aggressively support the false Islamist group through radical preaching and also through a most malicious act, which is recruiting Muslims to act as jihadists. The purpose of the radical preaching is to act as an attack against Islaam, which is to make it appear intolerant, in fact, demonic. This is the plot of the Jews, which is continuous. It is to heap every conceivable degree of falsehood and fabrication on Islaam. The “religion of peace” is really one of hate and raw barbarism. This is the Jewish plot. Yet, it is all lies orchestrated directly by the Israeli Mossad. The entity will shed as much blood as possible in this blood, scheming for the Muslims to “quietly kill each other.” This is proven by the fact that the Jews must masquerade as false Muslims, ones who spread hate and radicalism. These fake Muslims then create the basis for bloodthirsty murder – cold-blooded killing which is systematically portrayed before the entire world. It is the Jew plot to make the Muslims look exceedingly bloodthirsty by showing off acts such as crucifixion and beheading. Yet, both of these are acts and tactics of Talmudic extremist Jews. Islaam has nothing to do with it. For instance, historically there has been no known use of public execution through crucifixion, even beheading, in this faith. Moreover, surely, such vile acts have never been promoted to instill fear. Yet, Talmudic Jews have done so. This is their plot, make no mistake about it. All the hate, murder, torture, and torment associated with this barbaric entity is strictly Jewish in origin. It is, in fact, just as stated, which is a plot against Islaam. It, then, appears that Islaam is behind it, but instead it is really the Talmudic Jews. Originating from the Zionist strip the purpose of ISIS, ISIL, al- Nusra Front, the FSA, and others is to sow terror. In an incredibly cruel way the agents of these entities have tortured and murdered countless people, never Jews but, rather, exclusively Muslims and Christians. Too, Islaamic people had nothing to do with creating any such entities. It is all on behalf of the Israeli entity and it is all well-thought out by Jewry at the expense of Muslim, and Christian, blood. The purpose is to crush the Middle East into oblivion by causing inter-racial or inter-denominational strife, put simply, to get Middle Easterners to fight against each other and murder each other. It is all on behalf of the arch-treacherous plot of the creation of so-called Greater Israel. The acclaimed leader of the ISIS, self-proclaimed Caliph, Ibrahim al-Baghdadi, is Jewish. In fact, he is a Zionist spy. The main recruiter of Muslims and others for joining the group, Omar Bakri, is a Jew. So is his British-based cohort, Anjem Choudary. Al-Baghdadi covers his tracks with numerous aliases, which is itself highly suspect. One such alias is “Emir Daash.” Now, that is a highly unusual name for a Muslim. So, what does Daash mean, since it isn’t Arabic? In fact, it is a Hebrew word: more: nodisinfo/isis/
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 04:09:31 +0000

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