It is with a deep sense of sadness that we say goodbye to Dr. Bob. - TopicsExpress


It is with a deep sense of sadness that we say goodbye to Dr. Bob. He was our great Uncle, a physician and mentor to us during our impressionable years a developing young men. He and our grandfather were such a huge influence on Harry and I choosing to become Family Physicians. Dr. Bob was what I consider, the generation of the great physicians. He loved his patients and they loved him back. No matter where I go, I run into his former patients and/or their families, who had the utmost respect for the care he delivered. He did it right! He practiced with honor, integrity and made the profession nobel. Both, Harry and I feel privileged and honored to follow in his and our grandfathers foot steps to continue the legacy they set forth, hopefully to bring back these core values to medical practice; we had the best role models for that! We thank everyone that has already reached out with their thoughts, prayers and condolences -- we absolutely appreciate everything! He was a man faith, he loved and knew Our Lord. So, though this a sad time, it also a time of joy in celebrating his first heaven birthday which brings our family peace. legacy/obituaries/erietimesnews/obituary.aspx?n=robert-j-izbicki&pid=173408695
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 14:11:38 +0000

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