It is with extreme sadness that we lost one of our beautiful - TopicsExpress


It is with extreme sadness that we lost one of our beautiful beautiful mares tonight, yet as they say - when one life ends, another begins.... She has left us with the most gorgeous gift she could ever give. Caity Hawkins & I are devastated as you could well imagine with losing our beautiful girl Phoebe (Grand Kavalier out of a Heini mare, Cloverfern Hannah). One happy mare let back into the paddock thismorning after Tracey Dodd and I camped out last night - trotted off to her mate Faith and dropped her head to eat. A couple of hours later - we had one very sick horse on our hands, bloodwork and clinical symptoms determined most likely snake bite. War Veteran Ron & Linda Rose were truly amazing and if it was not for them going down to see their horses and ringing to say that Phoebe was down and looked like she may be about to foal... we would have lost the pair of them. With our beautiful girl anaesthetised, Rebel and her offsider Emily from Gambier Vets - https://facebook/pages/Gambier-vets/154623371254939 - managed to get one HUGE colt out, and then immediately euthanized Phoebe. With Caity being in Adelaide and us here in Victoria - it has been a very traumatic day for all involved and a very long night. We are pleased to say that this young colt has now had 600ml of Colostrum and close to 1.25ml of Lectade overnight, and then thismorning the wonderful girls in at Gambier Vets gave him a big bag of plasma. He had his first float ride thismorning - on a nice deep bed of hay and his blankie from last night and as he hadnt stood up yet on his own - he lay down the whole way there and back which was GREAT and so much easier... we were able to watch him on Traceys GoPro strapped to the front chest rail and through on her phone! WHEW! Ron had put the float camera back in the float and my cig lighter thingo in my car was NOT working - good on it! - so his float cam wouldnt work for me and no time to muck around with it. After getting the all clear from the vets thismorning - Rebel was very pleased with him - and as were Emma (another vet there who gave him the plasma) and two of the vet nurses (assume you ladies were nurses - apologies if you are vets!) - all three holding him as still as they could hold a massive wriggler - he was declared a feisty little man and we brought him home. He is now on Profelac Silver, has Tessas dog rug on him as the rugs I have are a bit big - or too small! - Tessas rug is too small but does cover his loins and around his chest - and has a new friend - Ron and Lindas lovely yearling Dreamy came home to keep him company. Still looking for a foster mare - however I have not had time to check the posts and messages yet - and have had a couple of text messages and phone calls to say there are a couple available - so will do that shortly - after the next feed.... We are also hoping that Dusty may decide to come back into milk and feed her.... so we do have options - worst case scenario - we feed him every couple of hours as he is just in the back yard right now - will just have a roster system happening! lol.... So - again - a MASSIVE thankyou to all who have been involved here ..... the professionalism and service given by the Gambier Vets is second to none, and Tracey, Ron and Linda have just been absolute machines and without them all this awesome colt would not be here.... Ok - so a planned trip is off for the moment - but hey - who cares - we have a baby here safely - and I have not even had time to think much about the horrific circumstances in which he arrived. We are so so thankful to have been able to get him delivered, and extremely sad that our darling girl Phoebe did not stand a chance... She is now at rest in a lovely spot and I am sure we will plant a tree there in her honour. Please forgive any delays in getting back to folk at the moment - baby takes priority! If anyone has a spare wheelchair (I kid you not) - I could do with one! I am seriously unable to move :(
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 11:48:19 +0000

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