It is your reactions to lifes circumstances that will make you or - TopicsExpress


It is your reactions to lifes circumstances that will make you or break you. It is not what happens to you that will cause you to succeed or fail. It is not truth when someone says, I couldnt do anything about the way I reacted. Yes, you can. You can follow Gods Word as a guideline and when you mess up you can ask Him for forgiveness. By the grace of God we can become stronger Christians and more mature Christians. Our reactions can be more Christ like. That is our goal. Did Helen Keller give in to the hurt of being blind? No. She chose to learn another way to communicate. She worked diligently and God helped her. Did Job give up when every conceivable wrong had happened to his household and even his wife said, Curse God and die.? No. He sought God and held on to the promises of God even when his heart was broken. We can learn that we can stand secure on Gods Word.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 11:12:00 +0000

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