It just makes me sick (I mean physically sick) every time I hear - TopicsExpress


It just makes me sick (I mean physically sick) every time I hear the BOCC is blowing money on ridiculous CRAP! IE: Investigating each other (sand box fights), hiring a Vet from another country (who was not eligible to work and then the BOCC paying to get him legal), Widening roads thru a quaint country town that people PULL OFF the busy highways so they can slow down and enjoy the views, Building a port on a pond (enhancing a private individuals land at the tax payers expense), need for me to go on, you all know what Im talking about. So all the while this money (OUR MONEY) is being BLOWN (thrown away) all over town, OUR ANIMALS are being KILLED day in and day out. So everyday when you are at work look up at the clock and KNOW that one animal will lose its life, every hour, every day! That is just unacceptable and sickening to me. There is NO NEED for this killing to continue. The answers are simple and DO NOT COST the millions of dollars the local politicians are throwing around! Immediate changes in policy will have an immediate effect on the death rate. How about the BOCC get out of their cushy leather seats and spend a day at the shelter? Spend some time out there no AC or heat. Spend a day in the rain, in the cold, in the OLD metal building in the back on a 100 degree day! How about they stand by and hold the animal being killed while the needle goes in? Maybe, just maybe then they will understand what a day is like for animals, the staff and volunteers at our shelter. KILLING our animals IS NOT RIGHT and it is NOT THE ANSWER! Throwing money away that can be used to help these animals is NOT RIGHT! There is money available to help the shelter. Saying there is not is a falsehood. The BOCC always seems to find money when it fits their fancy, dont they? I can only hope and pray the new Commissioners hands arent tied and, they will walk a day in the lives of our shelter animals and make the needed changes to save animals lives. This is OUR TOWN. These are OUR animals. WE all need to step up and be accountable to these lost and abandoned pets. Together WE can make a difference...we just have to WANT TO DO IT!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 15:11:04 +0000

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